Shanah Tovah!

By David A.M. Wilensky September 8, 2010

God bless Benji Lovitt for pointing out this gem of Israeli advertising to the blogosphere today. Benji’s blog, What War Zone???, is a never-ending buffet of satire on Israel from the perspective of an American oleh. I highly recommend it. He’s doing a US comedy tour soon and looking for venues. Hillels are perfect, I…


The Reading List – Castro tells Ahmadinejad to shut up, the Talmud has something to say about television… and more

By David A.M. Wilensky September 8, 2010

J.J. Goldberg has assembled his favorite selection of (mostly Christian) music about repentance to help us all get in the mood for the season. [J.J. Goldberg] The other Goldberg, Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, was invited by Fidel Castro to come chat in Havana. It seems that Castro really liked Goldberg’s story about Iran a few…


Who will read the article?

By Ben Sales September 7, 2010

This post is in response to David Wilensky’s post from earlier today. David, you and I both know how most people read news articles: they usually don’t. Maybe they’ll read the headline, maybe–if we’re lucky–they’ll read the lede and the nut graf and maybe–if they actually care–they’ll read an entire article. The truth, though, is…


I heard that Rabbi Jason is an anti-Semite

By David A.M. Wilensky September 7, 2010

Rabbi Jason Miller, blogger of, heard that an article in Time Magazine isn’t good for the Jews. After having read a few posts about the article, he decided to throw his several hundred words of cents in. He has cleverly titled his post, Time not on Israel’s Side. (Get it? See, the name of…


Columbia Spectator on Rosh Hashanah

By David A.M. Wilensky September 7, 2010

The Columbia Spectator featured an op-ed yesterday by Aviva Beuchler, president of Columbia-Barnard Hillel about Rosh Hashanah choices. Beuchler writes: Navigating the first few days of classes is always a daunting task. Does this history class fit my schedule, or should I try to enroll in the political science class? Should I take physics or…


The Reading List: Do Israelis need peace? Do they want it?

By Ben Sales September 7, 2010

Direct talks haven’t failed yet and the two sides have even set out a schedule for negotiations, so as our cautious optimism continues to grow, here’s some insight into the importance of peace for Israelis, and some discouraging thoughts on whether they actually care about a final settlement: Hebrew U. Professor Gadi Taub says that…


The Perils of a Book Boycott

By eweiss September 6, 2010

As a law student, my required reading is painfully boring and rarely controversial.  So I have to say I envy the Brooklyn College students who are being forced to read a book by someone Bruce Kesler calls a “radical pro-Palestinian professor,’” who at least will have something interesting to discuss. Forget disinheriting the college; I’d happily…


The Reading List – Israeli FM thinks peace unlikely, somebody making a Bible video game… good God, what did I wake up to?

By David A.M. Wilensky September 6, 2010

Apparently it’s an RPG, but it’s also like The Sims and Civilization… and it has a biblical setting. And it’s being created by Germans? [Religion Dispatches] Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman says that peace is an “unattainable goal.” Someone remind me why this jackass is the FM. [JTA] In a case that could go to…


Sunday Brunch: Welcome to Freshman Orientation!

By Ben Sales September 5, 2010

Walking home from slichot and on our way to a bar last night, my friends and I passed several groups of newly arrived Columbia University freshmen, doubtless on their way to–or back from–their own drinking escapades. I graduated high school six years ago, when these current freshmen were finishing sixth grade, but I remember the…


The Reading List: Invading Poland is so cliche

By Ben Sales September 3, 2010

How do cultural elitism and racial elitism relate? The above comic, surprisingly enough, is not a Heeb original, but they roll with it anyway, giving some more examples of the intersection between fashion and fascism. [Heeb] But who knows what will happen to all the Jewish hipsters, not to mention Woody Allen and Michael Bloomberg,…


The Reading List: Stand tall, leftist Jewish students!

By Ben Sales September 2, 2010

As both peace talks and college begin, liberal Jewish students have a lot to be excited for. And they should never stop working ofr what they believe in, even if they feel at times like they’re in the minority in the Jewish community, says a former Columbia Hillel staff member. [Jewschool] Meanwhile, one day has…


Reflections on the eve of renewed peace talks

By hdilman September 1, 2010

I woke up this morning to the news that four people had been gunned down and found dead in their car. The details explain that this was a terrorist attack, carried out by Hamas, against four Jewish settlers in the West Bank. After years of relative calm, this disguising murder was perpetrated. As Israelis across…


The Reading List: Apple-and-honey-tinis, a new campus kosher eatery and more

By David A.M. Wilensky September 1, 2010

Several LA synagogues are trying to attract young professionals to their Rosh Hashanah services with a variety of bizarre offerings, including game shows and appletinis. Good luck with that, guys. [Jewish Journal] The U.S. would like Bibi and Abbas to meet every two weeks during peace talks. Sounds good, I guess. [JTA] The LA Jewish…


For Abir

By admin August 31, 2010

by Moriel Rothman We are a people of conscience, a people of justice. We are a people who knows what it means to be hated and what it means to suffer. This is what I have been raised to believe. This is why I have faith that when this story reaches us, all of us,…


The Reading List: Israeli actors go political

By Ben Sales August 31, 2010

American news outlets often report on the political mouthings-off of actors, from Tim Robbins’s liberal activism to Will.I.Am’s awesome Obama video. Israeli actors–one Arab and one Jewish–are also taking a political stand now, but they’re putting their money where their mouth is and boycotting a theater opening up in the Israeli settlement block of Ariel. The first…