St Patrick’s Day or the Fast of Esther?

By ahowie March 14, 2011

On college campuses this week, we’re all gearing up for two very important holidays: St Patrick’s Day — with lots of green beer — and Purim — with lots of wine and other substances.  Sadly, however, there is the little known Fast of Esther that coincides with St. Patty’s Day this year, which leads to…


Correction: J Street U was, is, and will be pro-Israel

By Harpo Jaeger March 13, 2011

My last post alluded to a dust-up where J Street U dropped the term “pro-Israel” from its slogan.  Trouble is, that never happened: The national board of J Street U neither discussed nor voted on any action to remove the term “pro-Israel” from our platform, policy or the way we describe ourselves at J Street…


As tragedy strikes again…

By hdilman March 13, 2011

On September 1st, 2010 I blogged about the tragic terrorist attack that took the lives of four people. Last night, as I turned on my computer after Shabbat, I went straight to the news, wanting to find out about Japan’s quake/tsunami. However, I was shocked by something else: another terrorist attack that took the lives…


Will the Pope’s Words Affect Anti-Semitism?

By Carly Silver March 11, 2011

The pope’s latest statement about Jews follows his announcement that, two thousand years after the fact, we were not, in fact, to blame for killing Jesus. While this statement might reverse future anti-Semitism, it might be a bit too little, too late. Unfortunately, hatred towards the Jews for something we didn’t do is likely too…


As Knesset Prepares J Street Hearing, J Street Offers Students as Proof of Viability

By David A.M. Wilensky March 11, 2011

At the J Street Conference in DC two weeks ago, we noted the strong, visible and audible presence of students among the attendees. J Street itself noticed too and is using the big student turnout and the quick pace of growth of J Street U as proof of J Street’s viability. J Street President Jeremy…


What’s my name again?

By lcuen March 11, 2011

Two years ago, an Egyptian student in my history of the modern middle east class referred to Jewish culture as stolen culture, the Mizrahis eat Arab food and the Ashkenazis eat schnitzel so, he concluded, basically Israel was a country of stolen identities. I’m usually pretty peacenik/organic-granola-and-free-lovin but for some reason that statement gave me…


When the Establishment Works

By Ben Sales March 11, 2011

Like most New Voices editors before me, I’ve felt a compulsion to criticize the Jewish Establishment. And while I may not be as contrary as my predecessor, I–along with the rest of our writers–have had no problem admonishing Hillel, AIPAC, (of course) the ADL or any other large Jewish organization. So when the American Jewish…


The Reading List: Video Edition!

By Ben Sales March 10, 2011

Yay new media! Today’s reading list will feature five videos–not including the two Purim videos we already posted. Thanks, YouTube! So, you want to go to rabbinical school… [CFIDSgurl] Here’s what happens when sheltered Orthodox college boys try to be risque. [The Lonely Turtle] Yet another Purim parody video. I’ll be honest: I haven’t watched…


Yasmin Levy brings Ladino to the Somerville Theater

By mekeisler March 10, 2011

Yasmin Levy‘s band sounded, in a word, warm. Melodic double bass, percussive Spanish guitar, wavering, klezmer-like clarinet, and laid back latin percussion. It was a thick, mid-range heavy sound, gently syncopated on slow songs, and pulsing quickly for the high energy numbers. It filled up the Somerville Theater Wednesday night. But all of it was…


Reading List: More Maccabeats, and Israel Apartheid Week underway…

By David A.M. Wilensky March 9, 2011

*Sigh* Israel Apartheid Week is underway, like it or not. Before we jump into a round-up of the relevant news, here’s something to cheer you up–more Maccabeats! It’s their new Purim/Pink tune. If you’re into that sort of thing. And now for the less fun stuff: One Jewish student is suing UC Berkeley because a…


Brandeis Hillel rejects JVP

By Ben Sales March 9, 2011

Months after Wayne Firestone released his controversial guidelines about which groups are and are not welcome in Hillel, the battle rages on. Today, news came out that the pro-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions group Jewish Voice for Peace was declined membership in Brandeis University’s Hillel, prompting this post from Magnes Zionist blogger Jerry Haber: Of course, Hillel…



By akinman March 9, 2011

T-minus 6 days and counting! Projector prepped, curtains pulled and seats stainless. This can only mean one thing. Gainesville’s first Jewish Film Festival is about to make waves in north central Florida. Starting at 7 p.m. on Monday, the festival will run until March 29 and will be open to the public. A film will…


Bowling/Calling for Dollars

By mmoncaster March 9, 2011

It’s fund raising season at Vancouver Hillel. Against my initial instincts, I signed up for one night of calling during the telethon. I figured that I take from Hillel (food, internet bandwith, naps on their couch), so it was the least I could do. But let me be clear, asking people for donations is one…


Peaceful Speakers

By jcohen March 8, 2011

It came to my attention last night that this is the seventh annual Israel Apartheid Week. A time in which cities across the world, and several colleges across the United States, protest Israel’s displacement of the Palestinians as a result of becoming a state. The official website goes so far as to declare Israel to…


The Reading List: Holocaust documentary being show in Iran

By David A.M. Wilensky March 8, 2011

Say what? Holocaust doc “Shoah” is playing on illegal Iranian satellite television. With Farsi subtitles. [JTA] Whoa! Big news as Israel announces plans to demolish some settlements. [JTA] At NYC’s New Shul, the best chefs win the Golden Schmaltz Award. Yum. [The Jew & The Carrot–The Forward] Why is Obama tossing a fake football around…