How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bat Mitzvah

By Laura Cooper March 22, 2011

You don’t know me, but my name is Laura and I’ve found my way here from my everyday blog. We can’t go on until I tell you a secret, though. I’m converting. I hate saying it, not only because it leads into telling my whole life story, but because it’s rather deceptive. It implies that I’m…


Bloggers’ Round Table: Purim, St. Patrick’s Day and Spring Break. Whew.

By David A.M. Wilensky March 22, 2011

This week, we asked our bloggers, “Purim, St. Patrick’s Day and Spring Break all came around the same time this year. What was your craziest experience from one of the three?” Carly Silver: I ran into a boa constrictor. My craziest spring break experience didn’t involve Purim or St. Paddy’s day, but it did have…


The Reading List: Palin does Palestine!

By David A.M. Wilensky March 22, 2011

Sarah Palin is in Israel this week. And she’s shocked, shocked, to find out how hard it is to get to Bethlehem from Jerusalem. [Tikun Olam] Meanwhile, the Republican Jewish Coalition is in tizzy because Palin organized her trip through an organization other than the Republican Jewish Coalition. [JTA] In other bad-for-hasbarah news, Katsav was…


The Reading List: Helen Thomas in Playboy… Not What You Think

By Ben Sales March 21, 2011

The 90-year old journalist, made famous last year for telling Israeli Jews to go back to “Poland and Germany,” gets interviewed in Playboy. She keeps her clothes on, but it’s anti-Zionist porn. [Playboy] Purim is over, but below is the funniest Purim video I’ve yet seen, this time by a couple guys I know from Camp Ramah…


Jewish Confections

By jcohen March 21, 2011

Baking has always been a huge part of my family’s Jewish identity. In my household, each holiday and Shabbat requires some sort of sugary confection, be it brownies for an ordinary Friday night or sufganiot for Chanukah (P.S. I don’t recommend making these if you don’t like oily doughnuts). Lucky for me, my spring break…


Hillel Greetings: Welcoming, Ignoring, and Rejecting

By ahowie March 21, 2011

Over the course of my (nearly) four years attending Hillel services on a near-weekly basis, I have had many different experiences.  My first week of college, I was appalled by the un-spirited service-attendees and minimalist ultra-Reform service my Hillel offered.  It worked for a few, but not for me.  The following year I was thrilled…


Further thoughts on the Brandeis/JVP dust-up

By Harpo Jaeger March 20, 2011

In New Voices’s first installation of the new Bloggers’ Round Table feature (props to Ben and David for this, I think it’s a great idea), I and several other NV bloggers offered our thoughts on the propriety of Brandeis Hillel’s rejection of the campus JVP chapter.  You should read it – check out the comments…


It’s time for… Spot the “Big Lebowski” Reference!

By Ben Sales March 18, 2011

Your concerned New Voices editors enjoy reading Jewish news to find out about issues and events involving our fellow MOTs. But even more than that, we enjoy scouring Jewish publications for the occasional reference to the greatest movie–nay, latter-day holy text–of all time: The Big Lebowski. So now, faithful readers, we challenge you: Can you…


Yemen Blues go in

By mekeisler March 18, 2011

On stage, Yemen Blues have a manic energy. On the left side of the stage, Hilla Epstein and Galia Hai play cello and viola, adding stability to a cacophonous sound. On the right side, the horn section of Avi Lebovich, Itamar Borochov and Hadar Noiberg add funk-styled horn blasts and occasional backup vocals. In the…


Judaism and Veganism: Matisyahu Speaks at UF

By akinman March 17, 2011

Beat-boxing sensation and reggae superstar, Matisyahu, brought together the Jewish student community last night at the University of Florida for Jewish Awareness Month (JAM). ACCENT, the UF student-run speaker series, and JAM brought Matisyahu to perform and guest speak at the Philips Center for the Performing Arts. For the first hour, Matisyahu and Adam, the…


Clothes make the (wo)man

By jcohen March 16, 2011

I have always believed the phrase “clothes make the (wo)man.” You cannot deny that when you look sharp, you feel special and people treat you accordingly. Dressing up makes you the center of attention, but this term, I learned a little something about dressing down. A few weeks ago, I was just lazing around the…


Game Theory and Transportation: Dr. Nicole Adler

By mmoncaster March 16, 2011

Advanced mathematics does have some real world application, even though I like to tell myself it doesn’t (how else can I justify my ineptitude in the subject?). But despite my distaste for anything harder than basic algebra, I was able to appreciate a recent lecture I attended at the University of British Columbia Hillel House….


Bloggers’ Round Table: Should Brandeis Hillel exclude JVP? (Captain Picard says no)

By David A.M. Wilensky March 15, 2011

The Bloggers’ Round Table is a new (potentially) weekly feature we’re trying out at New Voices. We e-mailed all of our bloggers a question. And here are some of their answers. Much to the consternation of some, Hillel at Brandeis voted not to bring the Brandeis chapter of the pro-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions group Jewish…


Cutting through the rhetoric: J Street is centrist, not leftist

By David A.M. Wilensky March 15, 2011

I got about halfway through this Boston Globe editorial before I realized what seemed so remarkable about it to me: This editorial is the first thing I’ve read in the press that acknowledges that J Street is really a center/center-left organization. It’s not radically leftist to promote a two-state solution, which is at the heart…


Reading List: Happy Purim from Eva Longoria, Alaska airlines freaks out about tefilin and more…

By David A.M. Wilensky March 15, 2011

Above, Eva Longoria wishes us all a happy Purim on behalf of Sesame Street. She’s not Jewish is she? Why can’t they get Natalie Portman to do this? The Nation wants to tell you all about “the new Israeli left.” How often have we heard that such a thing is about to become a big…