
Top Chef Season 6 Jewdar Readings Off the Charts

By thellmann August 27, 2009

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: subway platforms are sweltering, a new season of Top Chef has begun. Foodies rejoice, and among them are multitudes of Jews longingly drooling over gourmet treif, myself included.  In the first episode, aired last Wednesday night, the only thing in my apartment louder than my growling stomach…


If It’s Yellow, Let it Mellow

By thellmann August 6, 2009

The New York Times’ Freakonomics column reported today on a new ad campaign in Brazil being run by SOS Mata Atlantica, an environmental organization imploring Brazilians to pee in the shower in order to flush the toilet less often. The cartoon ad features a variety of animated silhouettes urinating in the shower while the voices…


I Refuse to Title This Post with a Pun about Bees

By thellmann July 23, 2009

For the last couple of years, I have been slowly developing a passion for honey bees, fueled by a combination of delicious varieties of local honey, a passion for sustainable agriculture, and a fascination with the inner workings of bee hives. When I returned to New York City I decided to look for a venue…


Serving Justice, or Just Serving Jews

By thellmann July 1, 2009

Yesterday, the Forward published this article on restitution for property confiscated from Jews by the Nazis and the Soviet Union. “In a significant gesture this week, 46 countries signed a declaration at the close of a Holocaust Era Assets Conference in Prague aimed at easing the restitution process for Jewish property taken during the Nazi…