“The Yiddish word haymishe comes to mind… It immediately made sense to me as an equal-parts ironic and sincere evocation of the joy and warmth of Midwestern Jewishness.”
“At this moment of heightened conflict, we must remember, and draw inspiration from the Mizrahi legacy of intersectional activism through the Mizrahi Black Panther Party in Israel.”
“To love is to gamble on the promise that our todays will envy our tomorrows.”
“There’s this catharsis in getting to kill Nazis on stage, knowing they would have wanted to kill you.”
“It felt so good to not have to pretend everything is fine. To be able to mourn, to bawl in the presence of community without apologizing for the snot and the sound.”
“By distancing myself from Christianity, I’ve distanced myself from a part of my mom’s life. I’m still trying to put together the pieces I’ve missed.”
Fatima Mousa Mohammed’s graduation address is the latest chapter in a complicated story about Zionism, antisemitism and free speech at one of New York City’s most important universities.
“My grandpa was in the Hitler Youth—now I’m doing a very different thing.”
In June 2023, New Voices published a series of micro-stories about “Queer Jewish Joy”. As hostility toward trans and queer people persists across the country, we can derive strength from the moments that remind us how beautiful it is to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community. As we continue to fight for justice, stories of […]
In June 2023, New Voices published a series of micro-stories about “Queer Jewish Joy”. As hostility toward trans and queer people persists across the country, we can derive strength from the moments that remind us how beautiful it is to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community. As we continue to fight for justice, stories of […]