“Even if we somehow managed to get every member back into that living room in Edinburgh, singing the same songs, it will never feel the same. We will no longer have those same strings of connection, varying in strength but never tenderness, weaving between us.”
“My professors teach that we can either pick up a sign and flag and join the protest, or we can pick up a camera and pen to cover the event as a journalist, but never both.”
The films ranged from poignant renderings of love and loss of faith to high energy concepts toying with the forms of Judaism and film alike.
The Jewish performer’s new essay collection is “part exclusive backstage pass and part long-form literary striptease.”
“To ignore my emotions would be to ignore the empathy I have for Israelis and Palestinians who are being driven from their homes and who are being killed as collateral damage.”
“Formless and void, tohu v’vohu is the swirling celestial wilderness, before divinity started forming creation. It feels cosmically significant that we have been brought here, now.”
“When a rabbi takes it upon themselves to forge a Golem, there is an emergency. The being represents an attempt to rebuild, to protect, and most literally, to physicalize the truth.”
“Let us dance, feel, celebrate the rarity of this fleeting life before we return to stardust in the cosmos / Let us usher our descendants in for a good time.”
“With this siddur addition, LGBTQ+ young adult Jews get to truly share their voices in religious life.”
“In declaring that the only way for Jews to be safe is for Israel to be safe, the safety of Jews everywhere else has effectively been compromised.”