On Why I Take Yiddish

By Dani Plung November 27, 2013

Several weeks ago, I attended a screening of the classic 1937 Yiddish language film, The Dybbuk, open to the University of Chicago community.  For me, the appeal was in the Yiddish language; the film was a natural compliment to my Yiddish 101 class, and, in fact, my professor highly encouraged my class to attend.  There…

Meet Steve, Sarah, Eliana, and Jonathan.

An Inter-Everything Conversation About the Pew Survey

By Derek M. Kwait October 28, 2013

Part 1 in a 3 part series.   We might just be the last Jewish organization to respond to the big bad Pew Survey and we’re fine with that. It seems like every response so far is other people telling us what how we need to feel about it, whether we should be scared,  take…


Bagel-Chasers: On the Problem of Jewish Fetish

By Jonathan Katz October 9, 2013

I don’t generally date non-Jews. I’m not snotty about genealogy, I think the treatment of those who intermarry is barbaric and exclusionary, and I would not be upset if I ended up marrying a non-Jewish man. That said, I do usually end up falling head over heels for young Jewish men who can understand things…


The Reading List: Majors that Make You Money

By Ben Sales May 25, 2011

Here’s a list of the 20 highest- and lowest-paying majors. [Time] I’m farklemt in my genektezoink! [Forward] Everything I really needed to know I learned in first grade. [JW] Elie Wiesel brings the wisdom at Wash. U. [WUSTL] Want to learn? Don’t go to college, and we’ll pay you. [Chronicle of Higher Ed.]


A Potential Death in the (Language) Family

By mmoncaster March 23, 2011

I admittedly know little about Yiddish. My great-grandmother spoke it. My grandma can understand it. I used to get called a chazer (pig) on account of my messy room. But I had to pause when I saw this interview with K. David Harrison. A linguistics professor at Swarthmore College, he had this to say about…


Breaking News: Yiddish Lives (for now) at Maryland!

By Ben Sales January 28, 2011

Yesterday, we published a story about the final semester of Yiddish classes at the University of Maryland, College Park, and about the general decline of Jewish communal interest in academic study of Yiddish. We have just confirmed with Director Hayim Lapin, however, that the Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies there recently secured $120,000 in funding…