For daveners only

By Harpo Jaeger November 18, 2009

At today’s meeting of the Brown/RISD Hillel Shabbat Committee, I restarted a discussion that I began several weeks ago: my hope to create some kind of alternative programming on Friday night for people who’d rather not go to services.  To me, this seemed like a fairly straightforward proposal, but it met some serious opposition, and…


Why I Don’t Go to Services

By mmogilevsky October 14, 2009

“Hey, wanna come to Shabbat services with me tonight?” I’ve been hearing that question a lot ever since I started school at Northwestern University. We have both Hillel and Chabad on campus (as well as a new group called Meor Northwestern), so there’s never a shortage of places to be on Friday night. However, something…


“Oh, So That’s Why You Look So Exotic!” Musings of an Iraqi-Persian Jewess

By Lisa Aslan December 14, 2005

Walking through the crowded shuk on a Friday morning in Ramleh, an Arab and Jewish town in the center of Israel, I heard a familiar tune blasting from a dated boom box up ahead. I was suddenly taken back to Magen David, the Sephardic and Mizrachi shul I went to as a kid. I looked…