The Reading List: Michigan State Goes Kosher

By Ben Sales October 25, 2010

There’s a large Middle Eastern population in Michigan, but there’s never been a kosher Middle Eastern restaurant &#8212 until now. Woody’s Oasis, an eatery near Michigan State University, is getting the hekhsher, according to an email from Kosher Michigan. In other campus news, the Israeli team wins the debate over whether Israel is a “rogue…


Israeli Bacon

By jagross October 3, 2010

Dr. Eli Landau just accomplished the saddest thing I have heard (recently): he wrote Israel’s first pork cookbook. While some might argue that this is horrible because it is an Israeli cookbook about pork. I, on the other had, see this as horrible because it is only Israel’s first. Landau’s precedent shattering work is called,…


The Reading List: Party like it’s 1492

By Ben Sales September 14, 2010

Haaretz reported today that in the best example of “the more things change, the more they stay the same,” one in three Spaniards is anti-Semitic. Jeff Goldberg insightfully points out that one in five Spaniards is actually of Jewish descent. [Jeff Goldberg] But while they may be hating on us in Madrid, there’s nothing but…


The Reading List: Jewblogs pan “Eat, Pray, Love”

By Ben Sales August 24, 2010

Who cares if the 42-year old Julia Roberts still manages to look like she’s thirty? Jewblogs across the internets (well, two of them, at least) have given two thumbs down to the self-absorbed story of a woman going on a culinary-spiritual dream tour around the world so she can find herself. This critique from Tablet…


Putting You in a (Good) Pickle

By Carly Silver January 27, 2010

I wish I lived in Idaho. It’s not often that I say that. I don’t think I ever have before. Not that there’s anything wrong with Idaho, but I’ve never been there and, thankfully, like where I live. But Boise now has something that New York City desperately needs: Rabbi Pickle. For those of you…


From East of the Bank: Meat, Basar, Lahem

By miriamberger June 30, 2009

I have found that I lack the necessary Arabic words to adequately describe the concept of “keeping kosher.” While the notion of vegetarianism may be generally accepted in Amman, for my home-stay mother, Madame Basma, such a lifestyle remains as foreign… as the American Jew living in her house. I had barely walked through the…