The Reading List: That hard, hard kosher salami

By Ben Sales October 14, 2010

This has been all over the internet during the past twelve or so hours, but here’s the priceless quote from Haredi Rabbi Yehuda Levin, who ended his support of New York Republican nut case/candidate for governor Carl Paladino after Paladino apologized for his homophobic remarks: “I was in the middle of eating a kosher pastrami…


L’shana tova: a year in strange and uncomfortable places

By lcmoore September 10, 2010

I’m a new face here at New Voices. None of you know me, and I don’t know any of you yet.The first thing I want to do is say that I hope your New Year has been sweet so far. Because let’s face it, shall we? For some of us, 5770, in many ways, totally…


Building Up the Jewish Library

By atedesco October 23, 2009

Since I got interested in and involved with Judaism two years ago, my Jewish library has become an impressive (or at least mountainous) fixture in my bedroom. I have somehow managed to amass, according to my LibraryThing page, at least 91 books on various Jewish topics since then. Some have been staples, like The Jewish Book…


Nostalgia and Identity

By admin July 3, 2009

Last week, the ultra-Orthodox yeshiva high school where I teach marked the end of the year with a siyum, a celebration in honor of the completion of a tractate of the Talmud. Almost every male there wore a black hat, but I wore a crocheted kippah. It was clear that they were ultra-Orthodox and that…