Why Is Challah Often Braided?

By kseeger January 27, 2010

Challah seems to be the first food that runs out at the Shabbat dinners at Franklin & Marshall’s Hillel. While the rest of the meal is catered, the challah is handmade by students and faculty earlier in the day. Each table gets one plain challah and one sprinkled challah, both of which are braided. It…


For daveners only

By Harpo Jaeger November 18, 2009

At today’s meeting of the Brown/RISD Hillel Shabbat Committee, I restarted a discussion that I began several weeks ago: my hope to create some kind of alternative programming on Friday night for people who’d rather not go to services.  To me, this seemed like a fairly straightforward proposal, but it met some serious opposition, and…


“Another Campus Leader, Another ‘Anything is Possible.'”

By atedesco November 13, 2009

Last week, the Twitterverse was all a-tweet with buzz from the GA. Live-tweeting by countless people and organizations left those of us at home still able to feel like we had a front-row seat. Just take a look at this post by @EstherK on My Urban Kvetch. Of all the tweets tagged #ga09, I think…


Hillel: Past and Present

By Carly Silver October 8, 2009

Hillel is something that we all have most likely scene and/or participated in during our times at college. Yet what is it? Jewishenyclopedia.com, that well-known source of Hebraic wisdom, recalls the rabbi Hillel, who taught his followers to imitate “his love of peace….his love of man…and…leading mankind to a knowledge of the Law.” Since the…


To Hillel or Not to Hillel?

By atedesco September 25, 2009

Going to a Catholic, Jesuit college does leave Jewish student life with a bit to be desired. Don’t get me wrong, I love it here. Being in any kind of faith-based community, even if it’s not my own, creates a warm environment and an interesting forum to expand one’s religious horizons. Still, though, it’s important…