Student Cooks Eggs on Laptop Overheated by Israel-Palestine Hot Takes – New Vices

By Lev Gringauz May 29, 2018

A local Jewish college student on the front lines of BDS recently boiled eggs on his AIPAC-sticker-laden laptop using the raw energy of online Israel-Palestine-related hot takes. Jake Zucker, of rural New York City, New York, said he wasn’t sure what to do when his stovetop stopped working. “Man, I need a high-protein breakfast if…


Gay Christian Palestinian looks for salvation in Canada

By Jackson Richman June 12, 2015

In the 16th century, Protestant theologian John Calvin fled France amidst violence against Protestant reformers. Now, in 2015, the life of his gay Christian Palestinian namesake is in danger. Born under a different name into a West Bank pro-Hamas family, John Calvin is the grandson of former Muslim Brotherhood leader Said Bilal, who oversaw Hamas…


The Jewish Leviathan: Considering Israel with Rabbi Thomas Hobbes

By Evan Goldstein February 11, 2015

What do we call a society where you have to gain state permission before you can travel a few miles in order to marry? Perhaps it seems that we are searching for an “-ism,” some grand unified theory that nobody without the letters Ph.D. after their name cares about. But as the New York Times…


#JSIL and the Hypocrisy of its Advocates

By Michael Goldin October 7, 2014

In recent/days weeks the hashtag #JSIL has been trending on Twitter. It has become popular amongst anti-Israel activists to the use the hashtag to promote the idea that the actions of Israel are similar to those of the so called “Islamic State” (ISIL). Users of the hashtag did not have anything particularly interesting or intelligent…


Mourning the American-Jewish Political Middle

By Amram Altzman August 18, 2014

  If nothing else, the over-discussed Pew Report from almost a year ago (almost a year ago — and here we are, still quoting it like it’s the Bible itself!) heralded the death of the American-Jewish religious middle. This summer’s Operation Protective Edge seems to have heralded the death of the American-Jewish political middle, as…


What Happened to the Arab Peace Proposal?

By Maddie Ulanow August 13, 2014

By the early 2000’s, the false promises of the Oslo Accords were becoming clear. The peace process was crumbling, and by 2001 the Second Intifada was in full swing. The situation was not all that different from what we are looking at right now: prospects for peace seemed low, and the odds of a peacefully…


Peace Can’t Come Through Shutting Down Dialogue

By Tomer Kornfeld August 6, 2014

In my article, “Together We Can”, I called for joint peace efforts among college student clubs, especially those with differing views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I relayed an example where I invited Students for Justice in Palestine to join the pro-Israel group at my college in New York for a debate, or ‘mock peace talk.’…


Baseless Hatred, Tisha B’Av, and the Gaza War

By Jonathan Katz August 5, 2014

During the Nine Days preceding Tisha B’Av, the 25-hour fast commemorating the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem,we reflect on baseless hatred (sinat chinam). The Talmud teaches us that it was the baseless hatred among the people Israel that partially brought about the destruction of the Second Temple. (Along with, you know, high-level political drama…


Presbyterian Divestment Works, Israel Stands Down, Palestine Goes Free

By Derek M. Kwait July 9, 2014

July 6, 2014: The recent decision of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to divest from three companies, Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard, and Motorola, it sees as playing an instrumental role in Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian Territories, has succeeded beyond the church’s wildest expectations, ending the occupation and bringing about peaceful co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians mere weeks…


In Praise of Al Jazeera America – Israeli Media Can Take a Lesson

By Sam Hantverk February 6, 2014

Al Jazeera. Simply hearing the name would bother me two years ago, like nails on a chalkboard. In my ethnocentric view, I believed Al Jazeera existed for the sole purpose of promoting anti-Israel propaganda with the utmost criticism of the nation. How could I trust any of their other journalism with their articles containing blatant…


Yes to Debate on Israel, No to Open Hillel

By Sam Hantverk January 22, 2014

I am livid. I am enraged with the Open Hillel campaign and its disagreement with Hillel International’s Standards of Partnership. The audacity of Open Hillel to think that Hillel International will sanction the use of its resources for programming that aims to boycott or delegitimize Israel is outrageous. Such behavior would be contradictory to a…


A New Year of Peace?

By Emily Greenspan September 23, 2013

Just a few weeks ago, the White House released a video of President Obama wishing the American Jewish community a sweet New Year.  Obama emphasized the importance of the newly-resumed peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians, as well as the responsibility of American Jews to act to bring an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Now…


From Cats to Hamas: an Interview with Jenna Gang

By Catie Damon February 6, 2013

On the first day of Ulpan, Jenna Gang showed us the tattoo of her Hebrew name printed on the back of her neck. From then on, we called her Yosefa. We lived together in a cramped apartment in Jerusalem, she the established New York City photographer and I the aspiring California writer, both participating on…


There Is No College Application Season in Gaza

By Editorial Board October 18, 2012

For American high school seniors, October means one thing: College applications are right around the corner. It’s almost so obvious it doesn’t need saying, but in the Gaza Strip, there is no season when the minds of a generation automatically turn toward college applications. Here in America, tis the season for prospective students to roll…


The (more frequent and double) Reading List: Satire galore!

By Ben Sales May 12, 2011

A brilliant, though morally dubious, satire of the Bin Laden killing. [Galactic Empire Times] A hilariously appropriate response to the Der Tzeitung-Hillary Clinton fiasco. [Feministe] Turning the Der Tzeitung-HC fiasco into a meme. [Hasidic Photoshop] Who said falafel could unite Israelis and Palestinians? In Brooklyn, it’s another excuse to fight. [The Brooklyn Paper] A clever idea: limericks…