Commencement Round-up [Graduation]

By Zach C. Cohen May 18, 2012

Some college graduates got treated to the cream of the crop of today’s politicians and leaders. Here’s a taste of what the Obamas, Romney and Biden’s wife told the Class of 2012. President Barack Obama at Barnard College Obama spoke to graduates of the all-women’s college in New York on May 14. Obama, a graduate…


Orthodox abuse exemptions; liberal zionism; spiritual misconceptions; and more. [Required Reading]

By John Propper April 25, 2012

Tradition, innovation, and Jewish Renewal [Zeek] This interview with author and scholar Chava Weissler explores Weissler’s latest book on ancient Jewish women’s prayers. Weissler also talks about her study of Jewish Renewal and the creation of Havurot (and the differences between the two approaches to Judaism),  her relationship to Israel through the years, and more: “Yes!…


A Voice from “The Middle” [Campus]

By rcohen March 22, 2012

This year I became a Peer-Network Engagement Intern (PNEI) for my Hillel, which is a paid position that works in conjunction with Hillel International in DC. The program varies from campus to campus, but essentially my responsibility at Johns Hopkins is to help engage Jewish students on campus, and to try and connect them to…


Gay Jews Meet AU [NULJS Conference]

By Zach C. Cohen February 20, 2012

Anybody from AU knows that our homonymic nickname is “Gay Jew,” given the University’s large population, and administration and student support of, both the LGBT and Jewish communities on campus. But this weekend at American University in Washington, D.C., the campus got a dose of both in one when the National Union for LGBT Jewish Students…


A place for college students in Reform Judaism? [URJ Biennial, day 1]

By Zach C. Cohen December 15, 2011

The Union for Reform Judaism’s biennial convention, held this year at a gargantuan conference center/hotel outside Washington, D.C., is bigger than ever: It sold out when 5,000 people signed up before registration closed. But the excitement is palpable for another reason: This is Rabbi Eric Yoffie’s last, and Rabbi Rick Jacobs’ first, biennial as president…


Mideast Studies: Better to join in than to complain

By greback July 25, 2011

In 2000, as my Jewish identity finally began to blossom and my awareness of current events followed suit, the Second Intifada broke out in Jerusalem.  At that point, I decided pretty quickly I was interested enough, even invested enough, in Israel that I wanted to work on it for the rest of my life. That…


Celebrating/Protesting Israeli Independence Day

By lcuen May 8, 2011

Last Friday at San Francisco State University, the atmosphere of Malcolm X Plaza was thick with music and cheers. The sun was out and so were students. Spontaneous circles of hora dancing erupted in the quad. Students and Israel fellows wearing brand new, bright blue shirts with a tri-lingual peace logo blazing across the chest…


Back to the (Community) Drawing Board

By ckessler September 14, 2010

It’s been just a week since I returned from a Hillel Leadership Retreat with a sore back, campfire-smoke in my hair, and a beaded bracelet (well, a piece of string with four beads) on my wrist. But it feels like it’s been a lot longer than that–those of you in college realize the time warp…


Israeli Apartheid Week: Triumph of the Fringes

By Harpo Jaeger March 9, 2010

I’ll add my perspective to the discussion on Israeli Apartheid Week between Ben Sales and Sam Melamed by pointing out a terrific piece on the J Street U blog by University of Pittsburgh senior Benjamin Kamber. The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS) is entirely counterproductive in its pursuit of an end to the Israeli-Palestinian…