J Street Journal
Reflections and commentary from the first conference of the new Israel lobby
Journalism by Jewish college students, for Jewish college students.
Reflections and commentary from the first conference of the new Israel lobby
Naomi Klein on Putting Jews in Context
The award winning journalist talks with us recent developments in Israel, what it means to be a Jewish intellectual, and how the lessons of the Holocaust influence her thought.
A thought experiment. Imagine that it turns out that Glenn Beck is right, and that President Obama is a closet socialist. Further, imagine that upon reelection in 2012, Obama announces a series of reforms – call it a Four Year Plan – to narrow the gap between rich and poor, and that the keystone of the plan is a marginal tax rate of 99% on income over $100,000. A few machers and their lawyers would figure out how to game the system, but the broader communal affluence that sets us apart from nearly every other American ethnic group would disappear. Given such a scenario, what would it mean to be an American Jew in 2030?
As copycat Birthright programs proliferate, what are the limits of the melting pot?
A Call to Action
While the American Jewish Left was busy losing the debate over Gaza, Israeli parliamentarians tried to kick the major Arab parties out of the Knesset. American Jews must focus on supporting the democratic rights of all Israelis, before it's too late.
How Your Free Trip Helps Netanyahu Become PM
Birthright has implicated a generation of young Jews in billionaire Sheldon Adelson's damaging political adventures.