Are Justice and Social Media At Odds in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
We use social media to put aspects of this manifold conflict on trial, yet these sites are not structured to administer justice.
Journalism by Jewish college students, for Jewish college students.
A statement from the New Voices Editor on the current moment in Israel and Palestine.
Despite Jewish organizations rallying together against the genocide, the movement has not gained the same traction within the broader American Jewish community.
“I cannot ignore these two incidents. I can’t think of them as tragic coincidences.”
“Antiracist action requires more than protests; it requires community education, eliminating poverty & inequality, and abolishing those institutions which perpetuate racism and cannot be reformed.”
“Whether we ‘claim’ her or not, whether we knew her or not, as a Jew, Jessica Krug is part of our community. All of us must atone for her transgression, just as all of us must atone for the transgressions of synagogues who hired police and security that scrutinized Black Jews and Jews of Color entering our sanctuaries. There cannot be any evasion here.”
“The arch of history bends like a twisty straw. Nothing is inevitable, and the future may be hard, and sometimes rage and grief are necessary. The hope I’m describing is a leap-of-faith conviction that a better future is possible, and worth fighting for.”
Ariel Wexler gives an on-the-ground report on the Black Lives Matter protests against police brutality in Washington D.C. throughout the historic summer of 2020.
“As an illegitimate child, claims of Israel’s legitimacy have never concerned me. I can identify that both of us exist, whether or not we were born into the world under perceived authority. Even if there was a malicious ideology that caused either of us, Jewish bastards both, it would not be relevant in addressing our current transgressions.”
If we are serious about racial and economic justice, we must center the voices of small local nonprofits, people of color, and the broader communities in which we are situated, and we must do so inside of our endowment meetings.
By unequivocally condemning SJP’s statement while claiming to “advocate for Jewish students,” Hillel director Brawer makes very clear which Jewish students are welcome and which are not.
Survivors are dwindling at a rapid rate. As of 2018, there were an estimated 416,375 living Holocaust survivors in the world, according to a report published by Claims Conference.
With the release of the Trump peace plan, it’s been made even clearer that the two-state solution is no more than a platitude — and international activism for Palestinian human and civil rights is more important than ever. However, as a prelude to this politically expedient deal, President Trump announced an executive order which risks…
As I sit around the shabbos table with my friends, my family, I imagine there are others there with us, pulled there out of the past.