A portrait of Chomsky as a young Zionist

By Sam Greenberg November 7, 2011

I had the opportunity a few weeks ago to meet with leading American social critic Noam Chomsky in his office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where we spoke about a number of issues of international youth activism regarding American involvement in the Israel-Palestine conflict. One of the issues I was curious about was his youth advocacy work within the Zionist movement during the waves of foreign immigration to–and settlement of–Palestine, before Israel was established.


Chiming in as ‘Occupy’ spreads

By Jordan Freiman October 19, 2011

Jews of my parents’ generation were broadly involved in the protests of their youth: marching in Selma, Ala; riding for freedom; marching on Washington. Given that, the attempt by the establishment and by politically conservative Jews to discredit the association between Jewish ritual and the Occupy Wall Street protests is shockingly misguided. The claim that the protesters are anti-Semites is as specious as any attempt to paint an entire group of contemporary Americans as such. And the reliance of those making that claim on the presence of pro-Palestinian sentiments among the protesters shows how out of touch establishment Jews are with the younger generation of American Jews that turned out in staggering numbers (as few as 700, according to some; as many as 1,000, according to others) for a Kol Nidre service in a plaza across the street from Occupy Wall Street’s home base. This is not a group of Jews with much sympathy for the old “You’re either pro-Israel or anti-Israel” line of the Jewish establishment.


‘Fuck the Jews!’

By Gedalyah Reback October 17, 2011

I had no idea what I was in for. The apartment was nice, for Allston. It had hardwood floors, two bathrooms, a working dishwasher, a porch and quite a bit of floor space, all for $600 dollars a month. Plus, laundry in the basement. I moved in three days after Irene didn’t hit and had my mezuzot up by the second day. The first week there was cool. Then the problems started. Let me introduce you to my fifth roommate–let’s call her Tiffani. Pink blotches in her hair, stomach bulging out from under her crop-top, omnipresent smell of stale cigarette smoke. Straight out of the trailer park, you feel me? I let her sign the lease thinking I shouldn’t be a snob, people need to co-exist, there’s enough room for everyone.


Just Say ‘No’ to Ahmadinedinner

By Jonathan Horovitz September 21, 2011

Anyone accepting Columbia International Relations Council and Association’s invitation to sit down for an intimate dinner with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad next week should take a look at a photo taken at a public square in Iran, and distributed by the Associated Press on July 23, 2005. The image depicts two blindfolded boys, around 16 years of age, with nooses being affixed to their necks moments before they were publicly hanged by Ahmadinejad’s regime because they were accused of “raping boys,” or, as we call it, being gay.
I recall this photo not because it shocks–though it does–or because it will tell you anything new about the man who approved those hangings–it won’t. I bring it up because the moral burden of our Columbia University education and human dignity require us to examine whether it is right for us to sit down to dinner with a man who facilitates, even encourages, such executions.


Why Zionism is a Liberal Cause

By Danielle Barmash June 30, 2011

Students across the country protests Israel’s actions in the name of liberalism. But while some of Israel’s policies and decisions deserve criticism, students should remember that supporting Israel’s right to exist is a liberal cause. Here’s why.


Some Artists Don’t Hate the Jews

By Moriel Rothman April 6, 2011

Is every negative protrayal of a Jew in the entertainment industry an indicator of hatred? If someone with Jewish friends also has a shirt with an SS logo, is he an anti-Semite? Probably not. Jordan Freiman on why the Jewish community needs to calm down and stop crying wolf when it comes to anti-Semitism.


What Israel Can Learn from Syria

By Harpo Jaeger March 2, 2011

Egyptians are celebrating in the streets, but Israel is worried. Here’s why Israel should support the democratic revolution in Cairo–and follow the example of Syria in 1979.


Why J Street U Deserves a Birthright Trip

By Rebecca Livengood February 8, 2011

Birthright says that it doesn’t “deal in politics,” but that’s impossible given how politicized Israel has become. So what’s stopping Birthright from allowing J Street U to facilitate a trip? Here’s why that trip should happen.


Defend Jewish Campus Community by Excluding JVP

By Jonathan Horovitz December 28, 2010

JVP has excluded itself from Jewish organizations–including Hillel–through its antagonistic actions and its affiliation with anti-Israel groups. Such an organization should not be welcome in Hillel.


Hillel Must Put Students First

By Ben Sales December 20, 2010

Hillel recently banned Jewish Voice for Peace from its facilities nationwide. Such a ban betrays Hillel’s mission and divides the Jewish campus community that Hillel purports to serve.


Keep YU Discourse Open

By Ben Sales November 30, 2010

Excluding non-Orthodox speakers from the school hurts students and betrays Jewish tradition.


Supply and Demand: Israel’s Water Problem

By Ben Bernstein July 12, 2010

The Israeli government, along with the Jewish National Fund, has unveiled several extensive projects to bring a larger supply drinking water into Israel. But, says Danielle Barmash, those projects do not address the core issue of the Israeli water shortage: ever-increasing demand.


The Real Problem with Helen Thomas

By Ben Sales June 15, 2010

Helen Thomas’s statement, and the equivocating reaction it elicited from the anti-Israel left, opened up the question of which rhetoric is just, and which is just hateful.


Who’s Afraid of the Anti-Zionists?

By Rebecca Livengood May 10, 2010

Why should anti-Zionism be wrong? Harpo Jaeger defends the co-validity of differing opinions on the Jewish state, and says that the more we seek to understand each other’s views, the more we stand to gain as a community.


Toda, Rabba

By Whitney Campbell April 27, 2010

Sara Hurwitz recently became the first ordained Orthodox woman rabbi. Now, the Rabbinical Council of America is trying to marginalize the effort to ordain Orthodox women. What’s the solution? One Orthodox feminist weighs in.