In Defense of My Americanized Chanukah

By Mari Cohen December 26, 2016

When I was little, I looked forward to the day in December when my dad asked us to dig the “Chanukah box” out of the attic. Out came the electric menorah to put in our window, the glitzy blue and silver garland of dreidels and Jewish stars to hang on our bannister, several rolls of…


The Algemeiner Made the Worst List of “Worst Colleges for Jewish Students”

By Ross Beroff December 26, 2016

The Algemeiner recently released a list of the “40 Worst Colleges for Jewish students.” Already students and Jewish professionals on these campuses are reacting to the list, some defending it, some arguing against its creation, and others complaining that their universities were not listed. I do not go to any of the schools referenced, but…


Why Religion Matters – With or Without God

By Daniel Levine December 21, 2016

Original version published on Is there something that faith brings to our society that we would lack if we lived in a world without religion? To the person who has perfect belief in God or a specific religion, this question seems silly. In their minds, of course the presence of their specific religion is of…


Are We White Right Now?

By Sara Weissman December 15, 2016

After the election, my friend’s younger brother called from Israel. “Are we white?” he asked. Her immediate response was, “Not anymore.” As I listened to my friend talk about this exchange, I wasn’t sure which part was more telling, the question or the answer. The question – how we fit into America’s racial landscape as…


Jewish Institutions, Oppose Bannon – or Millennials Will Leave You Behind

By Marc Daalder December 8, 2016

Over the past three weeks, President-elect Donald Trump’s choice of Steve Bannon for chief strategist has drawn a lot of attention. Bannon has been accused of turning conservative website Breitbart News into a home for neo-Nazis and the alt-right movement, of being a racist, a white supremacist, and even an anti-Semite. At the same time,…


Secretary of State Candidate John Bolton Won’t Bend on Israel Policy

By Jackson Richman December 6, 2016

Let’s play a game of “Who Said It? Secretary of State John Kerry or Secretary of State Candidate John Bolton?” (The former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations met with Vice President-elect Mike Pence last Thursday and met with President-elect Donald Trump last Friday.) On the One vs. Two-State Solution: Quote #1: “The one-state solution…


Protest as an Act of Prayer

By Hannah Weintraub November 28, 2016

My feet are aching, but I keep walking. I’m stopping 4 a.m. traffic, clogging Pittsburgh’s throughways as I march through the streets, screaming, “Trump is not my president.” My toes start to blister as I hear the sound of 2,000 feet stomping with me. It’s been days since that “me” became a “we” – since…


In Defense of Challaween and Fall Holiday Fusions

By Jillian Gordner November 24, 2016

With Thanksgiving here and Halloween behind us, ‘tis the season to discuss the role of secular holidays in our Jewish lives on campus. Hillels across the country work to keep college students engaged in Jewish programming and within a Jewish community while they are away from home. They are continuously battling increasing secularism, and in the…


Is the Other Side as Stupid as You Think?

By Daniel Levine November 23, 2016

Original version published on With our country divided, and the finger pointing showing no sign of decreasing, we need to step back and wonder, what led to this national split? The answer goes beyond this election and ultimately lies deeply rooted in social psychology. It is antithetical to any sort of intellectual or constructive conversation to…


Steve Bannon: Sympathy for White Supremacists in the White House

By Jackson Richman November 16, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump has started to select members for his upcoming cabinet. Two positions have already been filled: Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus as chief of staff and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve Bannon as chief strategist. The former is a sane and solid choice, based on his experience in the GOP establishment, while…


We Can Fight Our Fear of Trump’s America

By Rebekah Sherman November 14, 2016

Original version published on the blog “floating, falling, flying.”  The election of a United States president should not be met with fear. I am in Tacoma, Washington, where the sky is usually cloudy, gray, and dripping with rain. Today, though, the clear blue sky seems to be taunting me. “Look how much better things are up…


Our Institutions Will Survive Trump

By Josh Daniels November 11, 2016

I’m not afraid of the big bad wolf. But I do worry about the people that voted for him. Last week on “Real Time” with Bill Maher – a primary news and politics outlet for a huge number of my peers – David Frum of The Atlantic made a plea to all those millennials who…


Is Voting a Mitzvah?

By Sara Weissman November 8, 2016

Millennials, we get a bad rap for a lot of things – many of them undeserved. We know the stereotypes: We’re self-obsessed, we’ve ruined the English language with our lol-worthy emojis and text speech, and we demand intellectual baby blankets in the form of political correctness. Basically, if there’s a venerated institution out there, someone…


Hillel, Reject Naftali Bennett’s Exclusionary Grant

By Lara Haft November 7, 2016

One of my favorite professors recently told me a story about her second-grade son. Asher* and his classmate were carpooling to school when the other eight-year-old began to lecture him about “correct” religious observance. My professor, who has raised Asher in a deeply Jewish, mixed-denomination home, was proud to hear her son reply with the…


U.S. Aid Isn’t Good for Israel

By Jackson Richman October 19, 2016

The U.S. and Israel recently renewed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The current version, signed in 2008, expires in 2018. According to officials, President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to an MoU that would provide more than $30 billion over a decade, which would include advanced weaponry systems. The continuation of…