Bari Weiss and Jonathan Greenblatt would like you to ignore all those Nazi salutes, thank you very much…

By Akiva Colin Haskins February 28, 2025

At this point, it shouldn’t be surprising. Just weeks after the ADL defended Elon Musk’s Nazi salute at Donald Trump’s inauguration, Steve Bannon throws up what looks like a Nazi salute at CPAC. And then, right on cue, here comes The Free Press—the fearless, supposed bastion of “free thinking” launched by Bari Weiss—publishing an article…


Defying Orthodoxies on Israel/Palestine: A YU Student’s Journey

By Rina Shamilov April 17, 2024

“Quickly, I learned that it was not only possible – but necessary – to hold multiple truths and consider the traumas of multiple peoples.”

woman with blue hair flowing to the side, clutching her stomach with closed eyes and a sad face.

Diet Culture Has Permeated the Holiest Spaces of Judaism

By Gila Axelrod March 21, 2024

Is it possible to disentangle fasting from the connotations of weight loss and dieting, and maintain its religious value?


Saying Hamotzi Over Challah and Gumbo

By Adam Daigle January 30, 2024

The mission to turn my family’s Cajun recipes Kosher went much deeper than just the food.


The Science of Religion: Observations from a Jewish Astrophysicist

By Victoria Dozer November 27, 2023

“It is true that we are formed from the ‘dust of the Earth’ –  we are descendants of space stuff, whether your origin story starts with an apple or a bang.”

A wooden swing hanging in midair in front of green grass.

I Have Imposter Syndrome and I’m Owning it: A Jewish Media Fellowship Reflection

By Catherine Horowitz June 13, 2023

“This was the moment I realized that I, like everyone else in the world, was not exempt from imposter syndrome.”

Image of a shadowed hand holding a candle against a glowing wall.

Mishpacha: Given and Found

By Elsa Baxter June 8, 2023

“Zadie’s fork clatters on the table, startling me. So, he says, taking a breath to steady himself, I have been told that you are gay.”


Jewish Food Rituals in the Age of Diet Culture

By Gila Axelrod April 3, 2023

“I relapsed almost every Passover.” For some, the holiday of liberation can feel like Mitzrayim. Experts weigh in on how to find freedom.

a lake and moated house in a snowy woods

A Return to Expression: On Speaking, Misspeaking, and Finding My Voice

By Layla Rudy March 10, 2023

Caught between the pressure to speak up and the fear of faltering, a Jewish disabled writer journeys through the past to discover a way to write again — this time, on her terms.


Antisemitic Tropes Haunt ‘Wendell & Wild’

By Talia BarNoy December 15, 2022

Despite a thoughtfully diverse cast, the movie falls short when it comes to its only Jewish character.


Tov Li B’Mahaneh Ramah: Remembering A Culture Of Sexual Harassment At Camp

By Alyx Bernstein September 19, 2022

“In our minds, the fun and harmless rule-breaking was no different than treating one another’s bodies as fodder for our entertainment. Sexual violence was celebrated, encouraged, uplifted, and glorified, even as it was, technically, against the rules.”


Jewish Pentimenti & Looking Backwards For A Media Future: Jewish Media Fellowship Reflection

By Eli Hurwitz June 16, 2022

“What would these Jewish futures look like? What would our canon become, and what would new Jewish media look like? Maybe most importantly, what choices can we make to bring these Judaisms into the present?”


We Are What We Will Be: Jewish Media Fellowship Reflection

By Mirushe Zylali June 9, 2022

“What could any of us have done to deserve conquest, genocide or war? How could you possibly try to draw lines on land? Why can’t we be everything that we are?” Mirushe Zylali reflects on a year with New Voices and the Jewish Women’s Archive.


A Year of Expansion: Jewish Media Fellowship Reflection

By Lila Goldstein June 7, 2022

“As a writer who has spent a good portion of the last few years studying and organizing around and even just thinking about sexual violence and its prevention, being reminded that I reside within a body feels uncomfortable, almost wrong.” Lila Goldstein reflects on a year with New Voices and Lilith Magazine.


Dispatches from the Jewish Rally for Abortion Justice

By Mx. Je'Jae Cleo Daniels May 22, 2022

Hundreds of Jews gathered in Washington DC for the Jewish Rally for Abortion Justice. In their own words, here’s why they came.