Do Jewish Students Feel Left Out of the Left?

By Hannah Bernstein November 28, 2017

When Jonathan Taubes was in high school, he read a lot of Noam Chomsky – so much so that Taubes and his friends jokingly refer to him as the Rebbe, or teacher. Chomsky, an American historian and social critic, writes about a diverse array of topics: Zionism, anti-Zionism, socialism and every other –ism imaginable. As…


IAC Panel: Campus Jewish Left Faces a ‘False Choice’

By Jackson Richman November 10, 2017

Although left-leaning Jewish college students sympathize with progressive movements, like Black Lives Matter, social justice causes have often excluded them over their support for Israel, at least according to an expert panel at this year’s Israeli-American Council conference. Founded over a decade ago, the Israeli-American Council is an umbrella organization created to connect Israeli-Americans and…


The Kvetch-Up: 10/29-11/4

By New Voices Staff November 3, 2017

Nu, have you read the latest campus Jews news? If not, watch this week’s Kvetch-Up, a speedy video summary of some of this week’s stories – from the Chabad on Campus international shabbaton to President Trump’s Civil Rights head nomination. And don’t forget, shoot us an email at to tell us what’s new at your…


This Jewish Student Struggled With Anxiety on Campus – So She Started a Nonprofit

By Gabrielle Magid November 2, 2017

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a worrier. As a perfectionist, everything felt dire. There’s a running joke this means I’m Jewish, but I’ve learned it’s anxiety. I arrived at the University of Florida in 2011, unsure about everything. I could not have known then that my anxiety would inspire me to…


Reintroducing… The Kvetch-Up

By New Voices Staff October 27, 2017

We know you’re busy. Those midterms are coming up and beer pong isn’t going to play itself. But we also know, amidst the hectic life of academia, you want to keep up with all the news for campus Jews. That’s why New Voices is reintroducing The Kvetch-Up, quick  summaries of some of the top Jewish…


Four Jewish-Student-Themed Halloween Costumes

By New Voices Staff October 26, 2017

We know, Halloween isn’t a Jewish thing. But some of us can’t resist the opportunity to wear costumes, scare people, and ask strangers for candy. If you want to bring your Jewish identity into the chag Halloween festivities, New Voices has you covered with some easy costume ideas specifically designed for Jewish students. Mosaic United’s…


Five Facts: How Colleges Fail Students’ Mental Health

By Shoshi Stanton October 9, 2017

“Could you be imagining a problem where there isn’t one?” The question caught me off guard. Where had I gone wrong? I had come to the campus medical practice at the allotted appointment time. I had waited there for almost two hours, the reception staff reassuring me every so often that it wouldn’t be long….


Jewish Students Join the March For Racial Justice

By Sara Weissman October 9, 2017

What do you do the day after a fast? (Sleep? Reflect? Make up for a day of missed meals by eating like a hobbit?) For hundreds of Jewish activists, the answer was march across the Brooklyn Bridge. When the Washington D.C. March for Racial Justice was organized on Yom Kippur, Jews gathered for solidarity marches…


Stanford Professor Explains Why Jewish Students Don’t Fear Campus

By Sarah Asch September 14, 2017

College campuses do not run rampant with anti-Semitic sentiment – at least according to Stanford professor Ari Kelman’s latest study. Kelman, a professor of education and Jewish studies at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, recently published a study called “Safe and On the Sidelines,” which explores Jewish life on college campuses. Kelman, who is…


I Swipe, You Swipe, We All Swipe For JSwipe

By New Voices Staff August 30, 2017

At New Voices, we cover the crucial elements of your college experience. Like your awkward JSwipe dates. Don’t lie, you’ve been on some sort of Jewish dating app or site. You’re embarrassed – but you made an account, you deleted it, and then you downloaded it again after your fill-in-the-blank Jewish family member nagged you about…


Teaching Disability Inclusion One Shabbat at a Time

By Lily Coltoff August 23, 2017

My initial reaction after the fact was relief. After months of planning, weeks of searching for the perfect readings, and a few crazy days of racing around like a chicken with its head cut off, I had finally crafted my first Friday night Shabbat service. And thankfully, it was a success. Earlier this year, as…


Cobbling Together a Jewish Life in China, Just Like My Grandparents

By Izzy Ullmann August 21, 2017

Originally published in J. Weekly. Being isolated from community tests one’s commitment to the values and practices that normally bring that community together. This is what the experience of being a Jew in China has taught me. I grew up in the warm embraces of Judaism, spending many hours at Yavneh, a Jewish day school in…


The Cost of Privatizing Jewish Campus Life

By Misha Vilenchuk July 26, 2017

Throughout the 20th century, American Jews – particularly young Jews – were agents of social change. The pre-war generation stood for worker’s rights, while the generation after the Holocaust marched at the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement. Why then are there so few Jews active in the contemporary resurgence of progressive student activism? Some…


Students Start Cooking Club to Help Chabad Make Shabbat Dinner

By Hannah Bernstein July 25, 2017

Every Friday at 7:30 p.m., University of Minnesota students pile into the Steiner family’s Chabad House for dinner. As usual, there is homemade challah and matzo ball soup, but there’s also something special – the dinner was made by the students themselves.  That’s because of the Kosher Cooking Club, or KCC. Every Thursday, students get…


Your Favorite Childhood Reads and Their Surprising Holocaust Histories

By Jackson Richman July 10, 2017

My favorite childhood books, “Curious George” and “Where the Wild Things Are,” always gave me a smile. They’re both fun light reads with lovable, mischievous main characters. Their creators, however, share a dark, trying past. The authors and their ancestors, H.A. and Margaret Rey and Maurice Sendak, respectively, survived the Shoah before creating some of…