#SaveSadeh: Europe’s Only Jewish Farm Faces Eviction
The potential closure of Sadeh Farm puts the future of a global Jewish farming movement at stake – especially for Jewish youth.
Journalism by Jewish college students, for Jewish college students.
The potential closure of Sadeh Farm puts the future of a global Jewish farming movement at stake – especially for Jewish youth.
An unearthed history of the North American Jewish Students Appeal and its legacy of independent, alternative Jewish student life is more colorful than Hillel wants you to know.
Digital spaces like jGirls+ act vital online communities for an under-researched group of Jewish youth, seeking precious few places to negotiate gender, sexuality, and religion.
Notes from “New Perspectives on Jewish Youth Hookup Culture,” a panel event hosted by New Voices Magazine, Lilith Magazine, and the Jewish Women’s Archive.
Yeshiva University’s win-streak is overshadowing the team’s assault allegations. Jewish Press coverage is complicit.
Many young Jews are growing critical of arguments for Jewish continuity that demonize their families or futures.
As North American Jews have struggled to come to grips with #MeToo era questions of consent, continuity, heteronormativity, and harm, four writers have come forward to share their personal experiences within Jewish youth spaces’ pressure-based sexual culture at camps and youth groups.
A conspicuous Jewish presence at an elite university has some side effects
While mainstream Jewish Australian institutions remain right-wing, Jewish communist, anti-fascist, and anti-colonial movements – and memories of them – are bubbling back into awareness for many young Australian Jews.
A statement from the New Voices Editor on the current moment in Israel and Palestine.
The 120-year Workers Circle has a fresh branch: a student hub for advocacy, ideas and culture.
More people are curating their surroundings, framed within a Zoom window. Yet, what lies beyond the edges of the composed picture tells deeper stories of the day-to-day.
How Jewish students across America are struggling to keep kosher at COVID colleges.