Love in a Strange Land

By Rachel Trager September 22, 2010

When they go abroad, students often feel lost and confused in a new country. And some find romance with a local resident overseas to ease the culture shock. But does the new relationship add familiarity to the experience, or make it even more foreign?


The Students vs. Martin Peretz

By Ben Sales September 15, 2010

After New Republic Editor-in-chief Martin Peretz wrote a column suggesting that Muslims be stripped of their First Amendment rights, students from his alma mater, Brandeis, demanded that he apologize for betraying the schools values. Here’s a look behind the brouhaha.


Life in Ramallah

By Veronica Grant August 30, 2010

The author was living a comfortable life in Hebrew University’s graduate school. So she decided to move to the capital of the West Bank.


“Jewish U”: Too Many Students, Too Little Time

By Judah Gross August 17, 2010

In this review of “Jewish U,” a student from the University of Maryland criticizes the book for giving too specific advice to too broad a range of students and feels that the author is out of touch with today’s campus.


“Jewish U”: Stuck on Hillel

By David A.M. Wilensky August 17, 2010

In this take on “Jewish U,” the reviewer–a student at the small Drew University in New Jersey–takes the author to task for focusing too much on Hillel and talking down to students.


“Jewish U”: Not for You

By admin August 17, 2010

Rabbi Scott Aaron of the Union for Reform Judaism recently released the latest version of his book, “Jewish U: A Contemporary Guide for the Jewish College Student.” We had three Jewish students from three campuses review it. Their recommendations: the book is too unimaginative, its scope is too broad and its advice is irrelevant for today’s Jewish college students.


Why I Came to Africa

By Lonia Friedlander July 11, 2010

What began as a research appointment in the Agricultural Ministry of Malawi turned into a conversation about life, family and why such different people can also be so similar


Breaking the Jewish College Bubble

By Carly Silver July 7, 2010

One student goes to a synagogue because the services are longer. Another has found her Judaism in communal living. A third engages religiously by participating in a non-religious neighborhood council. How students are finding Jewish experiences by leaving campus.


It’s a Small Country After All…

By Ben Bokser July 1, 2010

The author takes a remarkable journey from an Orthodox farming town to a Tel Aviv highway to a Palestinian village in the West Bank to a coffee shop in central Israel. And that was just one day.


Fifth Column at the Town Hall

By Elle Mikulincer-Weiss June 18, 2010

Christian-Muslim Kulturkampf comes to the neighborhood


Gaza Flotilla Crisis Edition

By New Voices Staff June 2, 2010

The New Voices blog takes on the crisis off the Gazan shore.


Nu, Uncle Sam Wants You?

By Miriam Berger May 24, 2010

Jews in the ROTC have to balance class, religion, and training for the likes of Iraq and Afghanistan. Here’s why they joined, and how they feel as Jews fighting in the US military.


Beyond Tolerance

By Ben Sales May 6, 2010

Coming off of the Yeshiva University panel in December about being gay and Orthodox, a queer Orthodox group hosted a Shabbaton conference with the Orthodox Community at the University of Pennsylvania, discussing inclusion and challenges.


Brandeis Injustice?

By Ben Sales April 29, 2010

The selection of Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren as Brandeis University’s commencement speaker has ignited opposition among some students.


500 Jews in One Room

By Caroline Kessler April 19, 2010

Jewlicious, a three-day national Jewish festival and conference for young Jews in southern California, wanted to bring together Orthodox and Reform, hipsters and hippies, New Yorkers and Los Angelenos. But what happens when those Jews all find themselves in the same place?