Haredi and the Tramp
Eitan Gorlin’s “The Holy Land”
Journalism by Jewish college students, for Jewish college students.
Lost Tribe: Jewish Fiction From the Edge, edited by Paul Zakrzewski
PALESTINIAN STUDENT PROTESTS OCCUPIED LAVATORY “Is there no relief from Zionist aggression?” cried Princeton University student Mohammed Khoury as he stood beside a locked bathroom stall occupied by Israeli comparative literature professor Zvi Kupfelman. “How can the world stand by and allow my most basic human rights to be violated by this illegitimate occupation?” Khoury…
Question: Is there such thing as a Great Latin American Jewish Author (GLAJA)? To qualify, the author we’re seeking must be: (a) known for fiction (b) identifiably Latin American both in real life and in fiction (c) explicitly Jewish in fictional focus though not necessarily in personal practice and (d) able to blow our minds…