Hitler Want BRAINS!
In the world of fiction, from “Hellboy” to “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” Adolf Hitler and the Nazis are often given to fantastical machinations. In the world of Scott Kenemore’s new work of not-at-all historical fiction, “Zombies vs. Nazis: A Lost History of the Walking Dead,” the Third Reich sends three of their best agents to Port-au-Prince, Haiti to uncover the mysteries of the undead.
Kenemore is the author of five other semi-historical zombies novels, including “The Art of Zombie Warfare” and “The Zombie Pirate Code.” “Zombies vs. Nazis” is a short series of letters between the Nazi agents and their superior, known as Obergruppenfuhrer (a high paramilitary Nazi rank of the SS). The letters tell the story of how these agents discover successful Voodoo zombie rituals in Haiti. The agents’ leader, Gunter Knecht is both arrogant and sadistic, having proudly strangled a cat during SS training. With him are the more human, curious Inspector Gehrin, and the incompetent and fearful Inspector Baedecker. Together they pose as Jesuit lepidopterists from The University of Bonn.