Zach C. Cohen

Jewish Student Interrupts AIPAC Session [AIPAC 2012]

By Zach C. Cohen March 7, 2012

Yeah, remember when I said Occupy AIPAC was going to be across the street from AIPAC Policy Conference? Well…they crossed the street. Liza Behrendt, a recent graduate of Brandeis University and a current member of the Avodah service corps in New York, interrupted a session with the help of CODEPINK organizer Alli McCracken, shouting that she…


Kanazi: “This Poem Will Not End Apartheid” [Israeli Apartheid Week]

By Zach C. Cohen March 5, 2012

One-part comedy routine, one-part slam poetry and all Palestinian advocacy. This is the recipe for Remi Kanazi, a Palestinian activist and poet who spoke at American University Students for Justice in Palestine’s final event for Israel Apartheid Week on March 2. “I think I’m funny but I’m not, so bear with me,” Kanazi said. “The…


Obama at AIPAC: “I Have Israel’s Back” [AIPAC 2012]

By Zach C. Cohen March 5, 2012

President Barack Obama continued to lobby for Jewish support as the November 2012 elections loom near, saying he has been a strong advocate for Israel. Obama cited his administration’s advocacy on behalf of Israel at the United Nations, during the flotilla incident, against BDS and during the Arab Spring. But Obama also warned against “loose…


AIPAC vs. Occupy AIPAC [AIPAC 2012]

By Zach C. Cohen March 4, 2012

This weekend, thousands of people will descend on that nation’s capital, and later, the Capitol to attend AIPAC’s annual Policy Conference. AIPAC, the American Israel Public Action Committee, will hold its biggest convention ever this weekend in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, playing host to the likes of: President Barack Obama Prime Minister Bibi…


Al Jazeera: take 2 [Self-promotion]

By Zach C. Cohen March 2, 2012

So our esteemed editor David A.M. Wilensky was on Al Jazeera on last Monday, though you probably had to look pretty close. Look around the 0:54  mark for a view of our office in downtown New York City. He didn’t get to ask the panel a question. That’s showbiz. Sorry, David. But fear not! I’ll be…


Discussing the analogy of the week [Israeli Apartheid Week]

By Zach C. Cohen February 29, 2012

“Israel – Worse Than Apartheid?” was written on the whiteboard of an American University classroom yesterday during a “Discussion on the Israeli Apartheid Analogy,” part of AU Students for Justice in Palestine’s roster of events for Israel Apartheid Week. Being an SJP-organized event, opinions in the room tended to be favorable toward the pro-apartheid analogy…


School is for ‘snobs’ [Politics]

By Zach C. Cohen February 29, 2012

Yup. You know all that debt you’re getting into paying your tuition? You better just drop out now, says presidential candidate Rick Santorum. Not really, but pretty close. Santorum, who has a BA, an MBA and JD, criticized President Barack Obama for saying in the State of the Union that everybody should go to college,…


Students on hunger strike in solidarity with Palestinian prisoner

By Zach C. Cohen February 28, 2012

Students for Justice in Palestine members at American University protested the administrative detention of Khader Adnan, who was arrested last December by Israeli police forces, by going on their own hunger strike for five days. Israel believes he is an Islamic Jihad terrorist, but has been unable to produce any evidence. Authorities never formally charged…


Running on Religion to the White House [Campaign 2012]

By Zach C. Cohen February 23, 2012

For a nation focused on separation of church and state, there’s an inordinate amount of church in this race to run the state. Over the past week, presidential candidates have made religion a forefront issue for the presidency. Democratic strategists suggest the Republican contenders are looking for another way to attack President Barack Obama since the economy…


The gay Jews come to AU

By Zach C. Cohen February 23, 2012

A small and close-knit group, the queer Jewish community represents a double minority — a minority of Jews are LGBT, and a minority of the LGBT community is Jewish.

So it’s no surprise that attendees at last weekend’s annual conference of the National Union of Jewish LGBT Students found the conference helpful simply because it gathered together so many students with a similar identity.

“There’s a part of me that was always really curious: What would it be like to be the majority?” Steven Philp, a graduate student at the University of Chicago, said. “That’s the interesting thing about walking into this room.” (Philp used to blog for New Voices.)

NUJLS gathered at American University in Washington, D.C. for its 15th annual conference last weekend, bringing students from across the country together to discuss the intersection between the LGBT community and Jewish life.


AIPAC’s youngest lobbyists

By Zach C. Cohen February 21, 2012

On a typical Friday morning, most college students would sleep in if they had the opportunity. Not in the nation’s capital, where some students don blazers and pantsuits to lobby on Capitol Hill.

For many years, students from American University, George Washington University, Georgetown University and the University of Maryland have set out in person for lawmakers’ offices to lobby on behalf of Israel. All four schools coordinated to send a total of more than 60 students to 31 senators’ offices on a lobbying day last month.


Gay Jews Meet AU [NULJS Conference]

By Zach C. Cohen February 20, 2012

Anybody from AU knows that our homonymic nickname is “Gay Jew,” given the University’s large population, and administration and student support of, both the LGBT and Jewish communities on campus. But this weekend at American University in Washington, D.C., the campus got a dose of both in one when the National Union for LGBT Jewish Students…


Your (Republican?) grandparents pick Romney [Florida!]

By Zach C. Cohen February 1, 2012

The Jewish state has spoken. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney should be president. Oh, sorry, I was talking about Florida. It may not be the most Jewish state in the Union, but it’s certainly the first in this presidential primary voice to have a sizable Chosen People population choosing. The GOP’s Favorite Lukewarm Son won Florida…


Lower tuition… yay! Israel and Iran… meh… [State of the Students]

By Zach C. Cohen January 25, 2012

Everybody and their mother is trying to predict what’s going to happen in the 2012 race to the White House. At New Voices, we’re wondering what college students will vote for. Well, tonight may have given us a hint. Most college students use their Tuesday night to catch up on homework or party before class-free…


Ron Paul’s biggest (Jewish student) fan

By Zach C. Cohen January 19, 2012

David Deerson went to Jewish day school, attended and worked at a Jewish summer camp and he has been to Israel multiple times. He also thinks the Jewish State might as well be in Wyoming. And he’s voting for Ron Paul in 2012.

Deerson is a regional campus coordinator for Students for Liberty, a Libertarian college activism organization, and the vice president of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill College Libertarians. His love for the limited government philosophy has made him an avid Paul supporter, but Deerson is a calmer advocate for libertarian values than his bombastic political hero.

When it comes to Israel, Deerson says his views match up completely with Paul’s.