
There are still Jews in Poland? [Back to the Old World]

By hdilman November 30, 2011

If Poland to Jews around the world represents one big Jewish cemetery, it goes without saying that for them, Jewish life in Poland is dead.   Then, how can there still be Jews in Poland?  After the Holocaust, after the 1946 Kielce Pogrom,  and after the 1968 Jewish purges?  It follows, that there must not be any Jews…


Neighbors [Back to the Old World]

By hdilman November 15, 2011

My group traveled to Jedwabne on July 11, 2011.  We were not meant to go to Jedwabne; it was not on our original itinerary.  We left Warsaw early in the morning, and by the time we pulled into Jedwabne, it was a beautiful day — the first nice day after a week of rain.  The…


Judgement and memory in the shadow of the skeleton of a synagogue | Back to the Old World

By hdilman November 3, 2011

On my first day in Poland, as I sat jet-lagged in the only Kosher restaurant in Krakow, the Olive Tree, my group leader told us each that we would be taking a day trip in a few days to small, formerly Jewish towns around Krakow. Only half-aware of what was happening, my friend Alexandria and…


Contemporary Jewish Poland: celebration or denigration? | Back to the Old Country

By hdilman October 5, 2011

My three-week academic study trip to Poland withnine other graduate students set off  on Thursday, June 30.  We were going, as students of history and the Holocaust, to look at modern issues concerning Jewish-Polish relations.  We arrived in Krakow,  smack in the middle of the Jewish Culture Festival, which as we learned pretty quickly, is…


Poland: The Other Holy Land | Back to The Old Country

By hdilman September 21, 2011

This summer, I received an opportunity to travel to Poland, to study Jewish-Polish relations before, during and after the Holocaust, with nine other graduate students. The trip was three weeks. When I was asked what my plans were for the summer and I replied, “Three weeks in Poland,” the response was generally the same. “Three…


Blood Libel for the 21st Century?

By hdilman June 5, 2011

For awhile now I have been following in the news a group called the “intactivists” who are attempting to ban circumcision in San Francisco.  The group claims that no one, but the owner of the penis has a right to cut it off.  Man was born perfect, they argue, and no one has the right…


Palestinian reconciliation: Good or Bad for the Jews?

By hdilman April 28, 2011

It has been buzzing in the news for awhile, and today we all got our confirmation: the PLO and Hamas agree to a “historical Palestinian reconciliation deal“.  After years of bitter rivalry and disagreements, they have come together to begin to form a “unity government”.  And even though Abbas has more or less told Israel to…


A bomb explodes in Jerusalem.

By hdilman March 23, 2011

I was sitting in the Ministry of the Interior office in the center of town in Jerusalem, I was applying for my Israeli passport.  I was sucked into a fairly successful game of angry birds on my ipod.  I looked up, the “take a number” board listed 32, only 10 more numbers until it was my turn….


As tragedy strikes again…

By hdilman March 13, 2011

On September 1st, 2010 I blogged about the tragic terrorist attack that took the lives of four people. Last night, as I turned on my computer after Shabbat, I went straight to the news, wanting to find out about Japan’s quake/tsunami. However, I was shocked by something else: another terrorist attack that took the lives…


Lessons of the Holocaust

By hdilman January 27, 2011

Today is International Holocaust day, but I wonder what is the point of such a day? I  suppose it’s appropriate to have a set date for the world to remember the Holocaust. Instituted by the UN in 2007,  its purpose was to remember “the Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of one third of the…


Reclaiming Zionism

By hdilman October 21, 2010

Last night, on the eve of the 15th anniversary of Yitzhak Rabin’s murder, more than 1000 people gathered at Kikar Zion, in the heart of Jerusalem. The rally wasn’t a Rabin memorial but its date is significant and even metaphorical.  While Rabin’s legacy looms larger than any of his actions- the moral from it is…


Dangerous Areas

By hdilman October 7, 2010

When I first moved to Israel I lived in the student dorms in Mount Scopus, at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. For those unfamiliar with the area, the Mount Scopus campus of Hebrew U is located in north-east Jerusalem. Therefore there are many Arab neighborhoods around the University. The location never much mattered.  However, soon…


The Debate on the Jewish state

By hdilman September 30, 2010

There has been a lot of ruckus lately in the Israeli media about the idea of Jewish state. Well, not the idea of a Jewish state per se, but the debate over whether the PLO, specifically Abas, must recognize that in a two state solution, one state is comprised of a Jewish nation. Netanyahu said…


Reflections on the eve of renewed peace talks

By hdilman September 1, 2010

I woke up this morning to the news that four people had been gunned down and found dead in their car. The details explain that this was a terrorist attack, carried out by Hamas, against four Jewish settlers in the West Bank. After years of relative calm, this disguising murder was perpetrated. As Israelis across…


Becoming Israeli

By hdilman August 26, 2010

As my El Al plane touched the ground in Israel and the usual clapping commenced, I realized: I have no ticket home, I’m not here as a tourist, I’m not part of any program or group, I am just here. Here to live… forever (so to speak). And then I thought, “So that’s it, I…