
Rumor Has It….

By bzalcman November 23, 2009

Jews all over the world are all aware of the bleak reality: one of our boys has been in held in captivity by an Arab terrorist group for over three years. Gilad Shalit, a soldier in Israel’s Armored Corp (a.k.a. tanks for the non-army savvy) was kidnapped in June 2006 and has been held captive…


Fictitious Living

By bzalcman November 9, 2009

What is it about our lives that fictional books and movies appeal to us more than non-fiction or real life stories? Why don’t people have enough confidence in their own lives, their own story, that instead they feel that they have to turn to movies and books while hoping that these things would happen to…


The Importance of being Tolerant

By bzalcman November 2, 2009

I remember it pretty well; it is one of the only memories I have of third grade that is not a blur of carpool, the playground and making sweet potato pie. We came into the classroom after davening, and our teacher, Mrs. X silently handed us lined paper. “A tragic thing happened last night in…


Strike That!

By bzalcman October 26, 2009

The worst thing you could say to a university student in Israel is the word “strike”. It sends shivers down the spine and immediately conjures up images of the long hot days of summer spent in classrooms instead of at the beach. Most students spend their year in university praying that they will be able…


Just Another Walk in the Park

By bzalcman October 19, 2009

One of my friends once remarked to me that Bar Ilan was a huge waste of space. She did not mean this figuratively, though there might be those who would agree with such an assessment. Her point was simple- Israel is a small country, and though the Bar Ilan campus is quite big, being a…


The Art of Copping out

By bzalcman October 13, 2009

Succos is over and everyone around here is getting back into school mode, including university students. Well, actually, my girls still have another week until school gets under way and back into its rhythm- the school’s annual heritage trip to Poland is next week. While not everyone goes, and there is an alternative plan for…


Deep, but not profound

By bzalcman September 24, 2009

Do you ever feel like you just don’t get it? No matter what, it just doesn’t make sense. You try and then you try a bit harder and every time you think that maybe, just maybe you got it, it just slips away from you like a helium-filled balloon on its way to greener pastures….


Ode to the Egged Bus Driver

By bzalcman September 14, 2009

Let me start off by saying that I’m 22 years old and I’m scared to cross the street. I know this confession may strike some as the psychological aftermath of some tragic incident of my childhood. However, let me assure you it’s not. The reason is far simpler than that- Israelis are crazy drivers. There…


Characters in Jerusalem

By bzalcman September 8, 2009

They say that Jerusalem has character. I say that Jerusalem is full of characters. Case in point: my friend and I, let’s be creative and call her Adelaide, decided it was high time for us to go and visit the kotel. We planned to meet up at Kikar Tzion, off Ben Yehuda and walk together…


Judgement Day

By bzalcman August 31, 2009

I spent this past shabbat with a new group of seminary girls who are beginning their year of Torah study in Israel. Along with the other madrichot (counselors? there really is no translation for this kind of job, at least that I can think of), I led a discussion group with (most of) the girls…


Time’s A-wasting

By bzalcman August 17, 2009

Summertime is coming to an end, really really soon. It’s hard to believe that it’s almost over, I really feel like it sped by. Especially since I’ve been done with exams. This thought, well, reality actually, scares me a little. Okay, it scares me a lot. First of all, the days are already getting much…


What’s in a Name?

By bzalcman August 10, 2009

And so, it finally happened. The “esteemed” Human Rights Watch has finally declared Hamas’s actions during Operation Cast Lead as war crimes. The question is, why has it taken them four months to come to the same conclusion that I, a mere citizen was able to come to five months ago.   I am not singing my…


Headphones- REPRESENT

By bzalcman August 3, 2009

Even though I love Israel (and surprise, surprise, Israelis) and can’t imagine living anywhere else in the world, there is one thing I would change about Israeli society in a heartbeat, if I could. To be sure, there are actually several things I would change, but none as urgently as the Israeli mentality of “magee’a…


The Clash of Civilizations

By bzalcman July 27, 2009

As a religious student at Bar Ilan university, I’m not exactly what you might call a novelty. Nicknamed “the religious university”, Bar Ilan is known for it’s high academic standards, its pricey cafeteria food and being a major hub for religious students. A better nickname might be “Clash of Civilizations”- often it’s the first hardcore…