Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian posters appeared on college campuses across the country throughout the month of October, provoking condemnation from a variety of campus groups and administrators. These posters were a product of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, an organization spearheaded by anti-Muslim extremist David Horowitz, and are part of the organization’s campaign called “Stop the […]
Original version published on the blog “floating, falling, flying.” The election of a United States president should not be met with fear. I am in Tacoma, Washington, where the sky is usually cloudy, gray, and dripping with rain. Today, though, the clear blue sky seems to be taunting me. “Look how much better things are up […]
I’m not afraid of the big bad wolf. But I do worry about the people that voted for him. Last week on “Real Time” with Bill Maher – a primary news and politics outlet for a huge number of my peers – David Frum of The Atlantic made a plea to all those millennials who […]
On Tuesday, Nov. 8, New Voices asked students across America and Canada for their first reactions to Donald Trump’s poll-defying win in the 2016 presidential election. Students share their experiences of the election on campus and their initial thoughts on the outcome: Adam Jacobs, George Washington University, Freshman “Last night I witnessed panic, fear, happiness, stress, relief, anger, denial. […]
In an election between two of the most unpopular candidates in U.S. electoral history, real estate and media mogul Donald Trump accomplished the unthinkable – winning the presidency. His transition from the Trump Organization to political business in the Oval Office will entail a lot of challenges domestically and abroad. His domestic challenges will include handling […]
Millennials, we get a bad rap for a lot of things – many of them undeserved. We know the stereotypes: We’re self-obsessed, we’ve ruined the English language with our lol-worthy emojis and text speech, and we demand intellectual baby blankets in the form of political correctness. Basically, if there’s a venerated institution out there, someone […]
One of my favorite professors recently told me a story about her second-grade son. Asher* and his classmate were carpooling to school when the other eight-year-old began to lecture him about “correct” religious observance. My professor, who has raised Asher in a deeply Jewish, mixed-denomination home, was proud to hear her son reply with the […]
At the University of Michigan, many Jewish students spent the morning of Oct. 4 attending Rosh Hashanah services. That same morning, students in Students Allied for Freedom and Equality (SAFE) were getting ready to protest. “I just saw these two huge walls,” said first-year student Juliet Wishner. She also saw signs supporting BDS. SAFE, a […]
Throughout my university experience, I sat in the middle of a seesaw – spirituality on one end and skeptical materialism on the other. As I took my classes, the weight of skepticism seemed to get lighter and lighter, and the seesaw slowly shifted closer towards spirituality. But no matter how much I read, I could […]