If you dissent, I don’t mind. But leave your judgment here and see what you find: In New Voices last week, a great friend and classmate of mine, Sarah Asch, wrote a response to the protest of Charles Murray at Middlebury College, in which she blames the college administration for allowing Murray to speak. “This […]
We’ve made a lot of headlines recently at Middlebury College. Most news coverage of the student protest resisting controversial speaker Charles Murray has been discouraging and demeaning – “Violent Student Mob in Vermont Shuts Down Charles Murray” and “Understanding the Angry Mob at Middlebury that Gave Me a Concussion” and “The Middlebury Protest and Our […]
On Purim, Jews celebrate a story of resistance. On Sunday, March 19, hundreds of Jews and Muslims, as well as young adults and students from Boston’s variety of faith and cultural communities, will do the same at #ProjectPurim: Resilience in Unity. Participants plan to flood the Harvard Science Center Plaza to protest racism and xenophobia. […]
I lie in bed one night praying to God to end my pain. I ask him, “Please either let me die or take this eating disorder away from me.” I was in recovery from my anorexia for about a year and a half. But I unfortunately relapsed and found myself back in treatment. Six months […]
The media has shown us months of outraged reactions over Donald Trump’s election, particularly among students. Campus protests frequently appear on our TV screens and in our newspapers. But, few are talking about students who walk past the rallies that protest the result of their vote – or their presumed vote as Republicans. Few are […]
In all caps, the posters read, “SEXISM EXISTS,” on the wall outside the Yeshiva University library. Printouts of anonymous sexist social media posts by YU students surrounded the bolded statement. The display, torn down an hour after it went up on Feb. 16, was one of the first acts of the YU Feminists Club, a […]
The American political sphere is more polarized than ever – and the discourse around Israel is no exception. The issue has recently become a popular talking point on both the far-left and the far-right, while centrists of both parties are pushed to the sidelines. While the far-left cries of a non-existent, Israeli-committed genocide (see Aljazeera’s […]
When Tu B’shvat comes around, I roll up my sleeves and prepare myself for the ritual tree planting, garden weeding, and litter collecting that has marked my Tu B’shvats of the past. My less observant, modern Jewish community taught me the holiday’s message of social justice in concrete terms: We plant trees, trees grow, trees […]