A version of this article was published in Times of Israel. Edie Windsor, who passed away last month at 88, will be remembered as many things – a hero, an icon, a trailblazer, and also rarely emphasized, Jewish. Yes, the same Edie Windsor who led the fight in overturning the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) at […]
Throughout college, I struggled with an eating disorder. In many ways, it first manifested itself during Yom Kippur freshman year. From there, it was a downward spiral into self-hatred, an obsession with calories, and compensatory cardio. Four Yom Kippurs in a row, I fasted too easily. The challenge was not for me to abstain from […]
On Oct. 1, I’m going to the March For Racial Justice in Providence, Rhode Island – and my motivation for participating has nothing to do with anti-Semitism. For me, this march isn’t about the history of Jewish persecution. It’s about not only standing in solidarity with people marginalized around the world but also making a […]
Jewish students are ready to talk about more than Israel. How do I know? I asked a room full of Jewish student leaders. Earlier this month, Jewish activists from eight tri-state campuses gathered at NYU for the American Union of Jewish Students #CampusTentNYC Town Hall, a student-led effort to bring diverse young Jewish leaders under one […]
In the weeks leading up to Yom Kippur, I go through all my Facebook friends and determine who needs an apology. I write dozens upon dozens of apology emails full of pleas for forgiveness and willingness to move forward. This year, Yishai – let’s call him that – sent me such an email, but just like last year, […]
Dear Jewish educators, First, I would like to thank you for dedicating your lives to helping students like me understand faith and tradition. Thank you for allowing me to develop life-long friendships, for allowing me to grow my creativity and for patiently fielding my questions. Thank you for encouraging my feminism and my passion for […]
College campuses do not run rampant with anti-Semitic sentiment – at least according to Stanford professor Ari Kelman’s latest study. Kelman, a professor of education and Jewish studies at the Stanford Graduate School of Education, recently published a study called “Safe and On the Sidelines,” which explores Jewish life on college campuses. Kelman, who is […]
In the Jewish world, this has been a school year of many lists – particularly lists of the best and worst colleges for Jews. As the one and only national online magazine for Jewish college students, we’ve decided to add our voice to the mix and create a list of our own – a ranking […]
At New Voices, we cover the crucial elements of your college experience. Like your awkward JSwipe dates. Don’t lie, you’ve been on some sort of Jewish dating app or site. You’re embarrassed – but you made an account, you deleted it, and then you downloaded it again after your fill-in-the-blank Jewish family member nagged you about […]