A conversation with the Pink Peacock Café on anarchist Yiddish revival and the tastiest parts of diaspora.
“Remember, post-Soviet Jews are here and we are writing our own stories.” Kolektiv Goluboy Vagon’s zine explores post-Soviet queer Judaism, envisioning a transformative diasporic world.
“The mountains, on the other hand, they weren’t afraid. They got up and did a little dance, like muscular rams hopping from rock to rock.”
Do you know your enneagram type? Find out which Jewish holiday celebrates you best!
In this excerpt from a collaborative High Holidays reader entitled “Our Still Small Voice”, Raffi Levi brings Jewish spiritual wisdom on enoughness and healing for readers looking to set an intention for the whirlwind Days of Awe.
Part one of an ongoing correspondence with New Voices Magazine, Daniel Crasnow reports on his experiences as an English teacher in Israel during a year of pandemic in a new series entitled, “Diaspora English”.
Listen to a new two-part High Holidays podcast “Here We Are,” fresh out of Providence, Rhode Island. In a time of unprecedented turmoil, this group of Jewish students has gathered stories and reflections on how they’re entering the new year in the face of a pandemic, climate change, political upheaval, and personal struggle.
In July 2020, Rena Yehuda Newman became the second transgender Editor of New Voices magazine. As Rosh Hashana approaches and the year changes, Rena Yehuda sits down with their predecessor Daniel Holtzman to reflect on writing, yearning, revelation, and transitioning on the job.
What happens when two people in an interwoven community break up? A confessional glimpse into ritual and relationships, “Besamim for Heartbreak” braids together archival research, poetry, ritual practice, collage, embroidery, illustration and personal narrative, in a new zine centered around Besamim, the Jewish practice of smelling spices.