More people are curating their surroundings, framed within a Zoom window. Yet, what lies beyond the edges of the composed picture tells deeper stories of the day-to-day.
“Too many young Jews receive the message from our communities that we aren’t Jewish in the right way….That’s why New Voices Magazine’s work to connect young Jewish artists to each other and give our stories and ideas a platform is such a radical project.”
“Zines are a lot like Torah: passed down from generation to generation, with each text inspiring more texts, more commentaries, more sparks, more light. Jewish Zines are like Torah in another way: only you can reveal what comes next.”
“The Rabbis wrote commentaries and we write zines.”
For the fifth night of Hanukkah, New Voices presents this interview about the Doykeit zine series with JB Brager, the editor of a now four-part collection of writing on themes of queerness, anti-zionism, and diaspora.
“Diasporism offers a path to that future, one of teshuvah (return) and remembering.”
New Voices Magazine has a different kind of light to bring to each night of Hanukkah: Jewish zines. Our Editor is excited to spotlight a series of their favorite independently published zines throughout the holiday, featuring a new zine each day to increase the indie-publishing light alongside the growing glow of the chanukkiah.
An interview with the creators of Judaism On Our Own Terms Hanukkah 5781 Zine.