Unless you are living under a rock, you know that the Internet is forcing pre-existing institutions to revolutionize and keep up with the times. Education is one such sector, and Hebrew education is changing as well. Logan Wall, one of our Northwestern bloggers, sheds an interesting light on the concept of how Hebrew schools would […]
I see religion (specifically Judaism) as being a specific embodiment of a set of central tenets, expressed in a subjective sense. Just like people list their most fundamental beliefs in their own language, so to is this personal religiosity is transmitted. In continuing with the theme of my last post, I will use a single […]
Today marks the busiest travel day of the year in our fair United States. Airlines expect 24 million people to travel over the Thanksgiving holiday period, according to AAA as reported by the Connecticut Post. Young adults make up 30.5 percent of holiday travelers, many of them students eagerly voyaging home for the first time […]
It’s not what you think. Donyel Meese talks about her struggle to become the only female mashgicha, or kosher kitchen supervisor, on campus. [Leftover Cholent] Israeli students aren’t the only ones protesting. For the Brits, tuition is too much. [HuffPo] And some students finally get the opportunity to go to school. The Jewish Community Foundation […]
Ashrei. That was the start to the service I led at my temple two weeks ago. Standing at 5’3, squeaky voice me, I stepped up to the bima at my local Conservative synagogue. A mere 40 minutes later, the service concluded with “yasher koach” being whispered left and right. But after stepping away from the […]
Moriel Rothman, student president of J Street U, brings it in an op-ed about the group’s pro-two states demonstration. [HuffPo] The Shibboleth Magazine blog uncovers the intriguing and disturbing Men’s Rights movement. [Shibboleth] An Israeli student talks about what it’s like to have to sit in the back of the bus. [Rucheli’s Ramblings] Flying home […]
The end of fall term is upon us at Knox College. Classes are over and finals are coming to a close. A muggy combination of relief and stress fills the air. The hours pass like odd day dreams, as certain members of my reality disappear back to this place called “home.” As I walk down […]
Sure, it’s practically Tuesday, nearly two in the morning at this point, but I want to return to this weekend, to Friday night in particular. I’ve written about this issue before, but too long ago to hyperlink it (sorry). Anyway, my thoughts have started shifting. I’m thinking about how college students approach Shabbat for a […]
George Galloway spoke in Vancouver tonight, and as usual, he brought a whole bunch of controversy with him. The Vancouver event was organized by the StopWar coalition, a group that originally formed to oppose the U.S.-led Iraq invasion. Under this guise, they attracted the support of a number of prominent people in the Vancouver area. […]