The Rabbinical Council of America, the largest organization of Modern Orthodox American rabbis, recently released a controversial paper regarding the halakhic status of organ donation. The involved and controversial topic has been, for the past week, the subject of much debate. At stake is the basic question of whether modern orthodox Jews should be allowed […]
“No Shabbat on Friday, March 6th due to Washington Universities Spring Break!” So read an email I received a year and a half ago, during my senior year of college. Leaving aside the grammatical errors, I laughed. Of course there was Shabbat; There was just no Shabbat dinner at Hillel. I assumed that they’d forgotten to […]
So says the Maryland Mitzpeh, which put out some strong new content this week. According to a poll of almost 100 students, a majority would not date outside the fold, which is surprising given soaring intermarriage rates. [Mitzpeh] Marriage in college? Check it out. [Mitzpeh] Here’s some bad romance: A Columbia professor — who I […]
Christmas! ’Tis the season, and at our house Santa is an equal opportunity present provider. Hadn’t you heard? Santa Claus? Formerly Shlomo Clausstein, total Heeb. I know we’re not the only Jewish family to celebrate Christmas in addition to Hanukkah. I’m sure there are plenty of us out there. Some might call it assimilation. I […]
I’d like to focus on something I mentioned very briefly in my overview of Chanukkah which has been coming up in my mind as I consider life back home: namely, Hityavnut or Hellenization, or what would today be called assimilation. The word gives varied messages manifested in different languages. Hityavnut is an example of a […]
American Jews love controversy. So why did the National Museum of American Jewish History exclude it? Judah Gross spends a day at the museum, checking out its impressive collection and wishing there were more conversation.
Today the concerned and compassionate editors of New Voices are offering you a double reading list to apologize for dropping the ball on these roundups yesterday and on Monday. Enjoy these ten worthwhile links from the Jewish internet: We all love Maccabeatlemania, but here’s how we shouldn’t use the craze that’s sweeping American Jewry. On […]
As some may have read recently on the New Voices blog, UF Hillel’s menorah was uprooted from the ground and vandalized on site this past Saturday morning. The menorah that acted as a reminder to the Jewish student population that we stood as a strong community, lay broken and shattered in Hillel’s front courtyard. Deeply […]
There is no denying it; the temperature of college dorms can be as unpredictable as the weather in Chicago. One moment it’s exceptionally hot, the next, no blanket is warm enough. For the heat, I have no suggestions, but for the cold, I have one word for you: Snuggie. Yes, that’s right, I said Snuggie. […]