A synopsis of an article about the University of Wisconsin’s Jewish community from 1924: “The author defends the Jewish student population at the University of Wisconsin, declaring that such Jews do not engage with Jewish communal life because communal institutions have no interest in accommodating their specific requests.” Sound familiar? [BJPA] 45 years later, Woody […]
Every Pesach, it’s the same routine. Wipe down our pantries, pull out the “special” dishes, and discard of all the delicious bread products that are practically a staple item in my life. But recently, I read an article from Heritage: Florida Jewish News that will make me think twice about what I do with my […]
In Lod yesterday, Israeli Arabs and liberal Israelis demonstrated in commemoration of Land Day – an Israeli Arab and Palestinian day to protest the seizure of private Arab land by the Israeli state. But it has taken on more significance this year. That is not because of the protetss sweeping the Arab world, but regardingthis […]
I don’t think anyone can officially call themselves a college student until they have been cancelled out of a class. Now, you may be thinking to yourself, what’s the big deal? So you can’t take ONE class this term. La-de-da. Well, that’s not the real problem. Getting closed out of a class thrusts you into […]
Crossposted to The Reform Shuckle, the genius website that every other federation in the country should be clamoring to imitate, has created a new haggadah, “The Wandering is Over Haggadah.” Much to the delight of people who get bored during the seder, they claim that this haggadah’s version of the seder should take only […]
How did Rahm Emanuel become mayor of Chicago? Maybe it was all because of the efforts of the Jewish media conspiracy, which has apparently completely overrun TV news in the Windy City. This cover story from the Chicago Jewish News–cleverly headlined, “And in local news, JEWS”–points out that no less than three Chicago television stations […]
Facebook removes page calling for third intifada… and a new page saying the same thing appears. [Haaretz] If you haven’t read Jeffrey Goldberg’s defense of J Street in the face of the McCarthy Knesset investigation of the group, you should. And manages to critique them at the same time. [The Atlantic] Time is all over–kind of–Eliezer, the […]
The sights and sounds of Jewlicious Judah Ari Gross is a senior at the University of Maryland and the editor in chief of the Maryland Mitzpeh.
In Israel, Druze are overrepresented in the Israeli Defense Forces and the Knesset relative to their population. In Lebanon, Druze had their own militia during the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990) and have their own political party today. In Syria, Druze rebels were instrumental in fighting the French during Syria’s 1925 uprising. The basic idea is […]