I’ve heard about it at two Passovers now, both the one at home in L.A. and the night up in San Francisco with some Israeli friends, the fog playing Elijah as it floated in wisps all around us, a constant yet absent presence. Somehow or another the topic of Mel Gibson arrives. Deep breaths are […]
I have no idea why, but the Obama administration has been very warm toward the Syrian regime, calling the dictator/son of a dictator Bashar al-Assad a “reformer”. This leads to the obvious question, what does that make Pol Pot? While Syrian police have been killing protesters en masse, the US has been silent. In fact, […]
Netanyahu Looking Like a Wreck This has dragged out too long. Just shut down the settlement expansion. I have to admit, I am a Religious Zionist. Not all RZs support settlements, but most do . . . and but I do. The settlements actualize the imperative to settle the country. If the land is bought […]
Three big events happened for the first time this week. One, I went to my first Seder spoken completely in Hebrew. Two, I tried gefilte fish for the first time. Three, I baked without giving anyone food poisoning. OK so maybe I want to brag about the last two events, but I really want to […]
Passover is one of the most commonly practiced Jewish holidays, and yet, I’m pretty sure it’s one of the holidays we qvech about the very most! For many, eighth days without chameitz is a nuisance. But, I really enjoy a week without bread and other such foods. It helps me renew my appreciation for the […]
Last week, spurred on by an excellent article, I mentioned the whole “Jews are the chosen people” thing. This week, Rabbi Donniel Hartman wrote about this same topic, albeit within the context of Passover. It’s short but sweet, definitely worth the read. I am continually impressed by Hartman’s writing because he conveys meaningful messages with […]
On Saturday April 10th UC Santa Cruz hosted the first intercollegiate Macabiada games, sponsored by the Israel Center of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco. It was modeled after the international Jewish sporting event, the Maccabia Games. 120 students from the Hillels of UC Santa Cruz, UC Davis, UC Berkley, San Francisco State, Chico […]
There is an old man at my synagogue who really enjoys gossiping about anyone and complaining about anything. I recently learned I got in his crossfire, and a few days ago when I wasn’t there, he seized the moment and started gossiping about me! I didn’t think that anyone could have any ammo against me, […]
It was small stuff, but it bothered me. At 3:45 PM, I was waiting for the bus, hoping I wouldn’t be late for work. It was Sunday afternoon, sunny out—I couldn’t find my ipod before I left my apartment so the wait was killing me. You know, playing tetris on my phone, texting people I […]
I was sitting in class the other day chattering to a friend about my Passover plans when the Hawaiian girl next to me, Leah Lau, leaned over and said that she was also Jewish. I did a double take, drinking in her features and wavering tan line. Her mom is a Jewess from the east […]