By now, we’ve all heard about how the hyper-orthodox “newspaper” Der Tzeitung photoshopped Hillary Clinton out of a photo because it would be immodest to see women existing in reality or some such…. And most people have responded with total outrage. I skipped right past the outrage and onto the laughter because these guys are […]
In exactly one year, I will graduate the Univeristy of Florida. Thrown out into the “real world,” expected to quickly find a job, rise from entry level to CEO in only a matter of years and start a new chapter of my life. But parting with college also means parting from Jewish college life. The […]
Sweat clings to my face as stale air gets whipped around by my laughably small room fan. I stare at the keys of my computer because, for once, I don’t know what to say in my blog post. I could talk about the weather, which is unbelievably humid and unpleasant. Or I could talk about […]
The American Jewish World Service exists to help out the under-privileged around the world. Is that a model for Jewish intervention in foreign conflicts? Israel is noticeably absent from the operations in Libya. It has been quiet about suppression in other countries. It does not send peacekeepers to conflicts around the world. It keeps a […]
Announcing our new office and new editor in chief! At around this time two years ago, I found out via a five-minute phone call that I would be the next New Voices editor and director of the Jewish Student Press Service. About six weeks later I began my first day in a room cluttered with […]
The famed Exodus is stopped trying to bring European refugees to the British Mandate for Palestine: the Holocaust did not justify the establishment of the State of Israel, but it made the founding much more dramatic. The Holocaust is not itself the justification of the State of Israel, rather the vindication of the argument that […]
Angels in America bored me and I found Munich cliché. Suffice it to say, I am not a fan of Tony Kushner. And I don’t agree with his politics. Regardless, he’s still a major contributor to recent American drama and literature. So I’m wondering why Jeffrey S. Wiesenfeld, the right-wing Zionist trustee of the City University […]
I have gotten my bachelor’s and started my master’s degrees in the era where Iranian nuclear proliferation has supposedly shaped the strategic map of the Middle East. It, coupled with Iranian influence, has apparently pushed Israel and its authoritarian Arab neighbors to be less than veiled about their relationship (and willingness to work together) to […]
Before I start, let me just say that I intended to write this post. Try buying tzitzit on the internet. Just try it. I learned something quite fascinating at about 4:30 AM last night. You may not have known this, but there are lots of different types of tzitzit. Not just techelet and non-techelet, oh […]
Last Friday at San Francisco State University, the atmosphere of Malcolm X Plaza was thick with music and cheers. The sun was out and so were students. Spontaneous circles of hora dancing erupted in the quad. Students and Israel fellows wearing brand new, bright blue shirts with a tri-lingual peace logo blazing across the chest […]