In October 2011, I did not find out that captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit was going to be released by reading newspaper articles or watching television reports, but because an entire street was closed off to allow for the singing and dancing brought on by the announcement. Many Israeli teenagers are in the army, making a noticeable difference in the lives of their neighbors. While American college freshmen learn how to read and analyze articles about weapons and warfare, 18-year-old Israeli soldiers are trained in how to protect their families and friends. It is not fair for the rest of the world to judge Israel for doing what it takes to survive. How can we understand the mentality of a country that survives despite a day-to-day struggle? How many other countries have to fight for recognition from their neighbors? How many had to fend off war on three different borders mere hours being declared a country? Would any other country be raked over the coals for standing up to the threat of nuclear war?
Our own Gabe Schivone, who wrote the interview series Other Voices last semester, has moved on to his very own Huffington Post column. His first piece is up: Any free society–from Margaret Thatcher’s Apartheid-era Britain to Obama’s currently anti-immigrant America–cannot expect to adequately deal with the sort of violence that prompted the Tucson shootings while refusing to […]
In September, an Orthodox student at Barnard claimed that a faculty advisor, Professor Rachel McDermott, steered her away from a class taught by an allegedly anti-Israel professor. As a result, the Institute for Jewish & Community Research filed a complaint with the New York Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. The Forward reported last week that the […]
We’re looking for students to contribute regularly to our blog this semester and beyond! If you’re interested, please email me, New Voices Web Editor Harpo Jaeger, at, with the following material: Your name Your school Your graduation year A sample of your previous writing An example of the type of content you’d like to write for […]
Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, had a sobering message for Monmouth University’s mid-year graduates: Life after college isn’t going to be easy.
“Your dreams, for sure, should never be abandoned. But they may have to be, for a while, delayed,” Oren told the 650 graduates on Jan. 13 in Monmouth’s Multipurpose Activity Center in West Long Branch, N.J.
Oren started with a grim picture of the American economy, saying college graduates will inevitably enter the workforce slowly and only after a lot of effort.
But there’s hope, Oren said, because people like his parents, members of “the Greatest Generation,” were able to weather the Great Depression and defeat Germany and Japan in World War II.
“If my parents, your grandparents, could overcome such obstacles and persevere at all odds, just think about what you could do,” Oren said.
Oren strove to connect the United States to Israel. No surprise there: He moved there from New Jersey (“Exit 145” to be precise) in 1979. He later served in the Israeli Defense Forces and won a gold medal in the Maccabiah Games.
Yep. You heard correctly. Former Pennsylvania Senator and current presidential candidate Rick Santorum was a brother in Tau Epsilon Phi, a historically Jewish fraternity. Before Santorum graduated in 1980, he joined the Epsilon Phi chapter of TEP at Pennsylvania State. The chapter is now dormant. Don’t worry, the super-Catholic candidate for the White House didn’t compromise his […]
Republican contenders for the White House faced off not once, but twice, in New Hampshire this weekend in an effort to sway voters, a last ditch plea before tomorrow’s primary. Ssounds like a reality series gone awry. Don’t worry, it was definitely not nearly as exciting as ABC’s “Wipeout,” which preceded Saturday night’s debate. Six remaining candidates […]
Republicans wrapped up the Iowa caucuses last night (after this commute-weary journalist fell asleep watching CNN) and have chosen former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney as their champion of conservatism … by eight votes. Yes. Eight. Shmoneh. Ocho. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum was one Bachmann-sized family away from winning in Iowa. Meanwhile, President Barack Obama […]
A few nights ago I took a cab from Rothchild Boulevard in downtown Tel Aviv back to my apartment in Jaffa. It was 1 a.m. – early by Tel Aviv standards – and I was coming from my favorite little gay bar. My friend found a cab back to his place, and I found a […]
Recently, I took part in the World LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) Youth Leaders Summit in Tel Aviv. Wahoo! Yes, my friends, the very same controversial and not-so-controversial summit you just may have read about on the news and/or Facebook. The event was hosted by IGY (Israel Gay Youth). There were over forty participants […]