I’m fairly squeamish. I don’t go on upside down roller coasters. I don’t like horror movies. And upon watching the above video, I’ve come to conclude that however real and present the threat of an attack on Israel is, “what-if” scenarios are not something that should be visualized and posted on YouTube. Such matters are […]
Holocaust music video resonates with online viewers. [YouTube] In an effort to re-engage young Jews and others to the loss and legacy of the Shoah, an audiovisual collaboration between composer Cecelia Margules and director Daniel Finkelman is quickly making the rounds. Since January 25th, the YouTube video has received over 51,000 hits. Hadassah organization investigating […]
Editor’s note: This post was written in response to an op-ed we recently published by Eliana Glogauer, an American Orthodox Jew currently in Israel for a gap year program. Neither her op-ed nor this response to it is anything but the opinion of their respective authors. Eliana Glogauer’s op-ed “Obama – Iran, not Israel, is […]
The first time I was ever told the way I was dressed was inappropriate I was wearing a short sleeve t-shirt and a skirt that covered my knees. Having been raised Modern Orthodox in a Jewish day school, I thought that as far as the guidelines of modesty went I was pretty well covered. However, […]
After a series of hateful “price tag” graffiti attacks in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Rabbis for Human Rights are planting trees in the village of Al Jenia, near Ramallah, in honor of Tu B’Shevat. [+972] Jason Diamond notes Fashion Week’s revival of classic ‘Ivy League’ style, and reveals the all-American preppy look’s Jewish roots. […]
Larry David, creator of Seinfeld and the star of HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm | photo by flickr user jaydedman (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Born Lawrence Eugene David, “Larry” is an American actor, writer comedian and producer. He was born on July 2, 1947 in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn where he grew up in a Jewish housing section. […]
After a video of a recent service in Georgia with the controversial Bishop Eddie Long went viral, Jewish groups and bloggers were left scratching our heads and saying, “Huh?” The clip, found in last Friday’s Required Reading, featured Long being wrapped in a Torah scroll and declared “king” (though of what is unclear). There were […]
What is beautiful to the Jews? [Tablet] How should Jews respond to the work of great Western classical composers, when so much of their work is rooted in a Christian understanding of the world? Is there an “appropriate” response, or does it really even matter? David Goldman explores the relationship between a Christian conceptualization of […]
Eddie Long… the new Torah? [Forward] In one of the oddest religion stories this year, Atlanta pastor Eddie Long–who recently faced accusations of child molestation, and a subsequent divorce from his wife–was recipient to a strange outpouring of affection from a self-identified Messianic Jew as part of a recent church service. The Huffington Post gave […]