Mormons apologize for baptizing deceased Jewish family [Forward] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has issued a public apology after accidentally allowing the posthumous baptism of the parents of the late Simon Wiesenthal, an Austrian Holocaust survivor who pursued fugitive Nazis during his lifetime. The baptismal practice, which involves church members acting in […]
As David Bernstein points out in this JTA Op-ed, the BDS movement which has seemed to permeate campus culture has had little to no financial ramification for Israel. For something that has been widely discussed in American Jewish circles since its inception, been the target of an Israeli law imposing financial ramifications for anyone who […]
Israel blames Iran for assassination attempts against Israeli diplomats. [Washington Post] The Israel government responded yesterday to bombings targeting diplomats in both Georgia and India, pinning the blame for the attacks on Hezbollah and Iran. Though Iran is denying responsibility for the incidents, the bombings have propounded concerns over its nuclear program, and led to heightened […]
When Matisyahu’s “King Without a Crown” was the big hit it felt like the Jews had finally arrived to the cool party. Sure, the Beastie Boys were Jews but would your parents ever consider buying you one of their albums? No, never, not on your life. Here was a nice Hassidic boy who looked the […]
After a recent article in The Jewish Week on accusations of abuse by Rav Aharon Bina, head of an all-male yeshiva in Old Jerusalem, was published to much controversy, the Jewish blogosphere exploded with the aftershocks. From a blog where critics of Bina’s methods and teaching style can vent their frustrations and even their trauma, […]
Whitney Houston visited Israel, called it “home” [Jerusalem Post] Upon the recent announcement of the passing of world-famous vocalist Whitney Houston, whose rocky past and relationships were once the focus of much media attention, the Jewish press took the opportunity to explore Houston’s trip to Israel in 2003. Specifically, Houston visited Dimona, spending some time […]
Oprah goes Hasid [Chabad] Visiting Hasidic communities in Brooklyn for an upcoming episode in her latest program, Oprah sat down for a special interview with Chabad Rabbi Motti Seligson. Oprah discussed misconceptions about the role of women in Orthodox Judaism, the importance of family, and living a life of meaning. When asked by Seligson […]
An Israeli filmmaker envisions what Israel’s “last day” would look like, although takes many creative liberties while doing so. However unsettling the video may be, Uriel Heilman notes, it provides a thought provoking, yet unrealistic, depiction of what an attack on Israel and the response would look like. [JTA] Members of the Jewish clergy have […]
A local Jewish politician campaigns for the goyishe vote – in Uganda: At one time, Rabbi Gershom Sizomu, who spent five years at the seminary of the American Jewish University in Los Angeles and a year in Israel, was planning to run for Parliament in Uganda – perhaps one day to run for President. […] With […]
Latest on Rav Bina: Karate rabbi comes to aid of abuse rabbi [Parsing]
Rabbi Ari Fuld wrote to Jewish student press hero Yedidya Gorsetman to say, among other things: ‘I truly believe you are an evil person’ for ‘trying to murder Rav Bina with your pen.’ He also compared Gorsetman to a dead fish and began his missive by saying, “I am not trying to threaten you in any way.” Which […]