On Friday, we published an editorial about the NYPD’s practice of spying on Muslim college students. Apparently someone at Al Jazeera read it. Last night, I spoke on the phone with someone at Al Jazeera about talking on Al Jazeera about it. Kind of. Al Jazeera — yes, the English language version — has a […]
Our post on the NYPD’s spying on Muslim students elicited a letter to the editor from Marion D.S. Dreyfus: I have attended MSA meetings. They are not ecumenical, they are not inclusive, they are not unharmful. They surrounded me when they saw i was taking notes. Imams came in and began spouting shariah-filled homilies that put the […]
It doesn’t look like the controversy over news that the New York Police Department monitored the activities of Muslim students will be dying down anytime soon. Here at New Voices, we tracked the responses of various student presses to this disturbing report, and there have been many takes on the exact kind of prejudice this […]
While most Americans push marriage further and further off into adulthood, marriage is alive and thriving among some Jewish college students in Manhattan.
Only 51% of American adults (individuals 18 and older) were married in 2010, compared to 72% in 1960, says a recent report from the Pew Research Center. But many Jewish college couples have found that now is the right time for them to make a life commitment. Some are shomer negiah — meaning that they follow a strict interpretation of Jewish law that only allows them to be in intimate physical contact within the confines of marriage. Other Jewish pairs simply find that tying the knot is the next stage in their relationships. Maybe it’s a mixture of both.
Israel has more non-orthodox Jews than Haredim, study finds [Jewish Journal] A recent study demonstrates that Israel’s Conservative and Reform populations appear greater in number than that of its Haredim (ultra-orthodox), though not by much. Could this knowledge spell a shift in representation for an Israeli population that doesn’t seem to make as much political […]
We thought the days of spying on students went out with the likes of J. Edgar Hoover. And yet, we’ve been reading stories all week about the New York Police Department practice of spying on Muslim students for no other reason than their affiliation with Muslim student organizations.
The AP reported in October that undercover agents were active on eight New York college campuses, but a new report says that they went far beyond that, spying on students on more far-flung campuses, such as Yale and Princeton.
Joseph Goebbels takes on Heeb Magazine [Heeb] As Heeb Magazine celebrated its 10th anniversary of… well, being Heeb Magazine… with a crazy party, it seems the Jews aren’t the only ones paying attention. This little gem cropped up online yesterday, and we’re not sure, but we think it means Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels was […]
For a nation focused on separation of church and state, there’s an inordinate amount of church in this race to run the state. Over the past week, presidential candidates have made religion a forefront issue for the presidency. Democratic strategists suggest the Republican contenders are looking for another way to attack President Barack Obama since the economy […]
Eating Disorder awareness week affects us all, whether we know it or not, Deborah Blausten argues beautifully. The women and men who are affected are mothers and daughters, sisters and wives, fathers and sons. This is not a disorder that can be callously dismissed as a “teenage girl problem” passed off as “a phase” that they […]