Today’s Required Reading featured a recent story about the Rabbinical Assembly (Conservative Judaism), with controversy brewing over whether or not the RA was sponsoring a fair and equal number of female voices in an upcoming annual conference. While Conservative Judaism is by definition non-Orthodox, and seen as generally more open to the leadership of women […]
Rabbinical Assembly’s May conference sparks discussion about female speakers [Forward] After information regarding an upcoming conference hosted by the Rabbinical Assembly (Conservative Judaism) was released, debate has been sparked as to whether or not enough women speakers will be present at the event. Since the initial report, the RA has released a statement stating that […]
Just when you thought Israel Apartheid Week was over, IAW Madrid makes a showing with one event – one week after most cities have wrapped up the program. Rebecca Powell delivered this dispatch from Madrid: With a tinge of fear, I planned to go witness some of the Spanish events myself. Yet, with only two […]
Florida law might threaten authority of Orthodox batei din [Forward] It began as a state bill to oppose Islamic sharia law, but it may end in compromising the authority of Orthodox courts. The Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases bill, which is one of many such bills nation-wide based on model legislation (ironically by […]
A queer solidarity activist reclaims NYC’s LGBTQ community center
‘Slutwalk’, the controversial feminist movement in which women dress provocatively in response to social criticism that labels women who have been raped while being dressed “immodestly” were “asking for it” is coming to Israel. While I agree with Varda Bachrach that the term slut is derogatory and otherwise detrimental to female empowerment, I find the message […]
Purim & the Hunger Games [Tablet] Abigail Miller discusses the similarities between the age old Jewish holiday and the popular book series, highlighting the importance of pageantry, in an insightful portrait connecting past to present. “When fashion blogger Michael von Braithwaite writes, “You probably won’t want to dress like a dystopian hero every day, but if […]
As promised, I was on Al Jazeera on Monday, where I joined: Pro-Palestine activist Max Blumenthal, editor Ben Shapiro, Al Jazeera anchor Derrick Ashong, Al Jazeera online producer Malika Bilal, Stanford University Student Body President Michael Cruz and Occupy AIPAC organizer Sasha Gelzin for a discussion on AIPAC and college Jews with a focus […]
Whew. That was quite a week. Now that it’s over, check out Dafna Fine’s terrific piece of news analysis on this year’s Israeli Apartheid Week: While reactions came in different forms from different pro-Israel groups, they were almost unanimous in their embrace of a new strategy this year: Avoid a direct attack on pro-Palestinian groups […]