What can you do in 15 seconds? You can listen to the intro of a song, or take a sip of your soda. You can scan the morning headlines, kiss your loved ones good bye. Or, you could live in Sderot, and in 15 seconds you can watch your whole world fall apart. Sderot is […]
Holocaust survivor, female rabbi remembered with Anne Frank anecdote [Tablet] Following the passing last week of Rabbi Helga Newmark, famed for being the first female survivor of the Shoah to be ordained, Tablet Magazine shares this anecdote about Newmark’s experience with Anne Frank (who she knew growing up). Newmark leaves behind a legacy of Jewish […]
You’ve waited all year for it. And now it’s finally time to register for the National Jewish Student Journalism Conference! Get excited. It’s on Facebook. This year’s conference will take place May 20-22, 2012 at the NYU Bronfman Center in New York City. It’s sponsored by New Voices Magazine, the Jewish Student Press Service and The Jewish Daily […]
It’s not always immediately obvious to the casual observer what the real difference is between Orthodox and Modern Orthodox Judaism. Actually, even to me, the two communities, on the surface, seem pretty similar. So one of us likes to think we’re modern. We’re cutting edge. But when you walk into shul on Hoshana Rabba and […]
41 years ago today, the Jewish Student Press Service (the wire service that preceded New Voices Magazine and the name of the organization that still publishes New Voices) was front page news in The New York Times. Yesterday morning, I went by the American Jewish Historical Society, with the current JSPS board chair, Mik Moore. […]
I shudder to think that violence is being hailed as a legitimate and necessary solution to any problem, much less the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has been through far too much bloodshed already. But Rabbi Donniel Hartman disagrees. So maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I don’t have the torah expertise that he has, maybe I don’t […]
Shimon Peres wants you to be his Facebook friend [JTA] President of Israel Shimon Peres has launched a clever media campaign, enlisting the help of remix artist Noy Alooshe to extend his message – be my Facebook friend, for peace. Civil War Bigotry, Revisited [Slate] While pretty much everyone is familiar with the racist history leading […]
We recently posted an op-ed by Carolyn Klaasen, a member of Young, Jewish & Proud. Carolyn argued that a queer safe space is one where queers can “strategize, energize, and organize to fight for our safety outside of that space.” She applies this understanding to a dispute over whether queer Palestinian solidarity activists should be […]
Whoever thought that Bubbe’s track suit could help her land a part Off Broadway? All she’d have to do is stand up, tell a joke, and she’d be part of a long tradition of old Jews who love keeping the youngin’s in stiches. Old jews telling jokes is a source for cute, quick humor that is […]
A couple nights a week in downtown Tel Aviv, a group of young people pay a small cover charge to dance late into the night. They move energetically for hours, before eventually getting tired and going home. It might sound like the nightlife Tel Aviv is famous for, dancing in the city’s clubs to the latest hip-hop beats. But this group prefers a different scene, and some much older music.