Though the popular perception of a rapper usually includes a a humongous diamond necklace (see: Rick Ross’ chain with a pendant depicting his own face), tattoos covering every visible inch of one’s body, and a trace of marijuana smoke trailing up behind one’s head. In the past few years, though, many new faces have popped […]
Outing, after Admission [New York Times] College diversity programs are looking to expand and bring outreach to another historically discriminated against minority – the LGBT community. In the past, a handful of colleges, either overtly or covertly, have targeted gay students as part of their diversity outreach programs. Now, the University of California system proposes, admitted […]
Exactly what they sound like. “Obama yarmulkes.” This year, “Jewish Students Wear Their Politics on Their Heads” (clever, PR-guy-who-sent-me-this-press-release. Very clever) with the reemergence of kippot branded with the Obama’s campaign logo. Don’t be confused, the Obama campaign actually has nothing to do with this. Though the story goes Obama got a real kick out […]
Avodah corps members protest a lack of exposure to Palestinians \xe2\x80″ and Avodah listens.
What can you do in 15 seconds? You can listen to the intro of a song, or take a sip of your soda. You can scan the morning headlines, kiss your loved ones good bye. Or, you could live in Sderot, and in 15 seconds you can watch your whole world fall apart. Sderot is […]
Holocaust survivor, female rabbi remembered with Anne Frank anecdote [Tablet] Following the passing last week of Rabbi Helga Newmark, famed for being the first female survivor of the Shoah to be ordained, Tablet Magazine shares this anecdote about Newmark’s experience with Anne Frank (who she knew growing up). Newmark leaves behind a legacy of Jewish […]
You’ve waited all year for it. And now it’s finally time to register for the National Jewish Student Journalism Conference! Get excited. It’s on Facebook. This year’s conference will take place May 20-22, 2012 at the NYU Bronfman Center in New York City. It’s sponsored by New Voices Magazine, the Jewish Student Press Service and The Jewish Daily […]
It’s not always immediately obvious to the casual observer what the real difference is between Orthodox and Modern Orthodox Judaism. Actually, even to me, the two communities, on the surface, seem pretty similar. So one of us likes to think we’re modern. We’re cutting edge. But when you walk into shul on Hoshana Rabba and […]