A few days ago, our Required Reading ran a story about Stonybrook University in New York. College officials have announced that the school’s schedule will now be fixed according to a secular calendar. In other words, no cancellations due to the High Holy Days for Jewish students. Certain Christian holidays, barring things like Christmas, will […]
Orthodox rabbi “comes out” as LGBT ally [Jewish Journal] In this compelling piece from the Jewish Journal, Orthodox rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz expresses his feelings on the “LGBT issue,” hitting some key points about the debate on sexuality and religion. Yanklowitz writes: “I began to wonder if I was failing at making myself accessible enough to students […]
Prominent Reconstructionist rabbi passes away (z”l) (Reconstructionist Rabbinical College) The Reconstructionist movement has announced that Rabbi Jack Cohen, an influential leader within the movement, has passed away at the age of 93. Cohen (z”l) was close to Reconstructionist figurehead Mordecai Kaplan. “He held various positions with the Foundation and with the Society for the Advancement […]
I walked into my high school classmate’s wedding last week and was unexpectedly overwhelmed with babies. Apparently, since our class’ last wedding/reunion (that is what they really are, after all), half my classmates had gone and gotten knocked up by their husbands. I still don’t feel mature enough to be choosing our country’s next president […]
JTA has published a new op-ed by me, a response to an piece by some Zionist Organization of America honchos published in JTA earlier this week: Op-Ed: Title VI should be used only on true hatemongers, not political opponents By David A.M. Wilensky NEW YORK (JTA) – In the eyes of the Zionist Organization of […]
I never know what to do on Yom Hashoah. Some students read names in the library foyer – a powerful experience, especially in a room with vaulted ceilings where sound reverberates throughout the entrence of the building. Some educators strive to reach out, to teach the messages of the Holocaust so that everyone, not just […]
When the paper I run, The Beacon, ran an op-ed entitled “Why it’s Time for Jews to Get Over the Holocaust,” the reaction was incensed. In fact, it was more than incensed. Readers were so wounded by the suggestion that they “get over” an event so personal and so tragic for so many of them that […]
Israeli band to perform on Yom Hashoah in Germany [JTA] Acclaimed Israeli group Balkan Beat Box (above), once members of the now defunct JDub label, were scheduled to perform Wednesday in Munich, Germany. The group released a statement saying that the scheduling was an unfortunate coincidence, but they intended to perform nonetheless. Stonybrook no longer […]
A production of an erotic Isaac Bashevis Singer story raises questions about the role of Yiddish theater.
Rabbinically intermarried [Sh’ma] Can a couple, both intensely devoted to their particular expression of Judaism, co-exist in a household? (Probably.) The more prudent question is… What does that look like? Rabbi Julie Adler, Director of the B’rit Milah Program of Reform Judaism, shares her own experience: “We’re each pretty certain that our way of observing Judaism […]