Recent articles about hazing at Dartmouth, as well as the embattled chapters of Jewish Fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi, left me wondering: why do we give fraternities, as institutions of our peers with little, if any, distinguishable qualities from the rest of the student body, positions of power in our colleges and universities? What makes otherwise respectable […]
Bye Bye AEPi [JewSchool] The Gamma chapter of international Jewish fraternity AEPi is being shut down, amidst reports of repeated hazing. The chapter, located at the University of Pennsylvania, is not the only chapter of AEPi whose bad behavior has been making ripples lately. The virtues of the fraternity with the highest national GPA are […]
Listening to a classmate yell at another student about Queer Studies was the most boisterous experience of my academic career. Looking back, I’m a little surprised it remains the single most emotional exchange of my Ivory Tower. As I made my way through classes titled, “The Literature of Palestine,” “The Arab-Israeli Conflict in Film” and […]
You may not have heard, but there’s this new thing all the hip kids are using now, called the Internet. It’s the only place you can find bigfoot porn and chinchillas playing piano seconds apart from each other. And there are useful, sane things too. For instance, we can do all our banking online, learn a new […]
Off the path, on the prowl [Slate] This might be the most fascinating article about former Orthodox Jews learning to navigate the complicated waters of love, lust, and being around… “the rest of us.” (Plus, the title is a winner; just click and see what we mean.) Meet Israel Irenstein, coach to the socially awkward, no-longer-frum. […]
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama announced new sanctions on Iran and Syria and a renewed commitment to preventing genocide and mass atrocities. “We need to be doing everything we can to prevent and respond to these kinds of atrocities, because national sovereignty is never a license to slaughter your people,” Obama said at the United […]
Making Hatikvah accessible for the rest of Israel [Forward] Is Hatikvah a song for only a portion of its population? What about Israeli Arabs? In this fascinating piece from the Jewish Daily Forward, the question is explored, Can this anthem be modified to reflect the diversity that Israel houses? “‘The successful integration of Israeli Arabs into […]
Urban Outfitters recently released a shirt whose insignia bears a resemblance to the Star of David bearing the word JUDE that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust. The ADL wasted no time in condemning the Philadelphia based clothing brand, saying that it is not the first time they have marketed clothing considered offensive. […]
Yom Ha’atzmaut Sameach! [JTA] Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu wishes constituents a happy independence day. For those who don’t speak Hebrew, the cat and parrot at the end should make it clear that even for Hebrew speakers, this message is bizarre. Click the embedded link for the English version, as well as an insightful discussion about […]