Space is still available for the 41st annual National Jewish Student Journalism Conference at the NYU Bronfman Center, May 20-22. Check it out on Facebook or register here. If you’re a Masa Israel alum, you’re eligible for a limited number of subsidies for the conference. (And the whole thing only costs $40 anyway!) Apply here […]
I feel bad for the caretaker of Charles C. Moskowitz’s grave. The founding father of Alpha Epsilon Pi has probably made a racket rolling around the past month, as his progeny at Boston University and the University of Pennsylvania have smeared the reputation of his fraternity. These hazing episodes give critics prime material to decry […]
The decimated, post-Holocaust Jewish population of Eastern Europe is the main concern for a number of Jewish activists in the region, but for András (the S is pronounced like “sh”) Ligeti a representative of Hungarian Union of Jewish Students, it isn’t the number of Jews in Hungary that’s the issue. The more pressing concern, Ligeti […]
Haredim and the Internet… part whatever [Haaretz] Hmm… so it’s tough to know what to make of it, but whatever you think, it’s an intriguing report. Maya Epstein writes: “To put things into proportion, both the Arab and Haredi communities are relatively impoverished, and their proportion of households with Internet is lower. But among those who […]
Is ‘TED’ all it’s cracked up to be? [Tablet] In this piece from Tablet Magazine, Liel Leibovitz explores the popularity of the TED series of educational videos, and claims that the TED-Ed program (new from the series) leaves some things to be desired: “Which is not to say that there’s no room for video, audio, and […]
Reform movement V.P. says their campus presence is ‘like an abyss,’ ‘not acceptable’
Obama Supports Gay Marriage [ABC News] The president came out in favor of same sex marriage yesterday, declaring in an interview with ABC News that he believes same-sex couples should be able to be married. Obama’s announcement, after years of equivocation, comes on the heels of the passage of a constitutional amendment in North Carolina […]
With the announcement that Jewish reggae/rapper/pop artist Matisyahu would be releasing a new album on July 17th (Spark Seeker, be there or be… not there) came the news that the artist would also offer a free download of its lead single. Above is the video. Click through for more info on how to get an […]
Anat Hoffman, Women of the Wall, featured on CNN [Umm, CNN?] This is a little late in coming, but this great piece about Anat Hoffman, women’s rights in Israel, etc., is currently on the CNN “Amanpour” blog. Written by Samuel Burke, this is one of the widest recent exposures of the Israeli organization. “Hoffman is the […]
As John so eloquently posted yesterday, the death of a celebrity always leads to an outpouring of grief, real or feigned. Maurice Sendak’s profound influence on children over the past fifty years stands on its own. And if I may hypothesize, someone who spent so much of his life breaking barriers wouldn’t want to be […]