Heyyyy wealthy ladies! That’s right. K-pop and American politics have finally mated. The result? Mitt Romney Style. As the Gagnam Style parody videos continue their hailstorm through the interwebs, a political one of note has begun to make its rounds. Created by the often hit or miss humor site, College Humor, it has the sophisticated […]
CORRECTION, 10/24/12: The author of this piece has revised — and reversed — his take on the situation. Please see a full correction to this piece here. If administrators at Northwestern University have their way, Chabad’s days of operating openly on the Evanston, Ill. campus are over. Apparently, they’ve just discovered that Chabad serves alcohol! […]
I just got a two-year old Beagle/Dachshund, Chester. He’s as smart as a dog could be – but he started barking ferociously at me the other day when I wouldn’t let him have a bite of my mint-chocolate CLIF Bar. All he is thinking is: You have food, I want food. You don’t need food. I […]
Welcome back! Here’s hoping your Yom Kippur was meaningful, your fast easy, and your shofar loud. Over the next few days, Jews around the world will observe Sukkot, an agricultural festival. Many of us will construct a sukkah or booth structure, where we will eat, pray, sleep and yes, (some of us) even shtup. Though it […]
And she’s at it again. After making headlines last Monday for her quick smooch outside a Los Angeles Jewish Community Center, Anne Hathaway is back in the spotlight. But this time, she got married. Former cat seductress Anne Hathaway tied the knot this past Saturday night with Jewish fiancé Adam Shulman, much to everyone’s surprise (okay, by […]
I spend most of my days in New York City, home to millions, about 95% of whom are either Jewish, somewhat Jewish, or eat at enough delis to recognize Jews at a distance. So when I walk down the street with my fiancé, who wears a kippah, it’s not unusual to get a “Shalom!” from […]
This article was originally posted on the personal blog of the author, which you can find here. We met at 9:00 AM this morning at the Yeshiva for a walking tour of “the untold history of South Tel Aviv”. Itamar Manoff, our program coordinator and, in this case, tour-guide, led the way through wide cobble-stoned streets, spread […]
Gabe Weinstein, our man in India, writes today at the Ohio University study abroad blog about spending Rosh Hashanah with some of the Jews of Mumbai. A member of the Jewish community there discovered him via Facebook (because of this recent piece Gabe did for New Voices), which led to him spending the holiday with the […]
I’m used to skimming my Facebook newsfeed with my eyes rolling or just plain glazed over. But I’m not used to them welling up. Ever since I added Humans of New York to my Facebook list, though, it’s been happening more and more. This recent post alone was enough to restore my faith in humanity: […]