For American high school seniors, October means one thing: College applications are right around the corner. It’s almost so obvious it doesn’t need saying, but in the Gaza Strip, there is no season when the minds of a generation automatically turn toward college applications. Here in America, tis the season for prospective students to roll […]
With an article so deliciously titled, it’s hard to resist the opportunity to poke fun. In fact, a quick perusal of Wiki-How articles proves that the cynical world of journalism has not done nearly enough ridiculing of this website, a collection of life’s most mockable texts: how-to guides. In the name of proper responsibility, The […]
Recently, I attended a wedding. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. The ceremony opened with the grooms reciting their intentions to one another. This was followed by scripture readings: first, from the Tanakh; then, from the Christian Bible. After a mutual ring exchange, the Sheva Brachot were recited. Only, instead of recitations from honored […]
This Saturday night, I embarked on a journey that was perhaps long overdue. I participated in an important Jewish life cycle event that seems to have become as vital as a Bar Mitzvah or a wedding. This weekend, I went to my first AIPAC conference ever, the 2012 AIPAC Summit in Boston. Walking into the […]
Imagine your birthday party. You plan something, you have some beer, and people come. Before said people come though, when you are sitting at home alone with the lights dimmed and a 30-rack of bad beer, you get kind of anxious. Will people even come? Going to parties is such a responsibility at this age, […]
There was an important moment in television last night. Obviously, I’m not talking about the Vice Presidential Debate. Take a moment. Think about it. It’ll come to you. Yes, of course, I’m referring to the latest episode of “30 Rock.” (Still my favorite comedy. Yes, I know I’m alone on that.) And yes, I’m saying it […]
“If this country votes for [insert name of whichever candidate you find more repulsive here], I’m moving to Israel!” Well, if you want to make good on that promise, all you have to do is buy yourself a ticket. But if you’re willing to be less extreme– say, take a vacation to the Bahamas […]
A few weeks ago there were too many headlines blaming Netanyahu for intervening in U.S. elections. “The clash has led Netanyahu to brazenly intervene in the U.S. election, but is that all that new, asks Lawrence Davidson” in Netanyahu’s ‘Red Line’ on Obama is a great example. This got me to toying with some grim thoughts. Are Israel […]
This post may be short, but it’s vital: I needed to update you all on what I think is the best internet invention since the 2008 Bush Presidency Count-Down Clock (oops, now I just gave away my political views). The holiday season has been particularly brutal this year– and I don’t mean by way of engorgement. The […]