It’s the most wonderful time of the year. School is off, joy is in the air, and the NFL playoffs are about to start. Christmas and Chanukah? Well…they’re done, and with them the holiday season is now reduced to the solar New Year. But we all know what that means. It’s the time of year […]
What a thrilling experience to see ‘Matis’ perform live, especially this holiday season, on the last night of Chanukah, December 15th, at Terminal 5 in NYC . The Danny Zamir band was the opening band for the night: A chassid who rocks the flute with his Israeli bassist, guitarist and drummer. The audience is eclectic […]
A couple of days ago, I sat down to write an article about the Newtown tragedy for the Huffington Post. When I stood up an hour later, I looked at what I had written and realized the shooting and the media surrounding it had affected me more strongly than I had thought. I wound up […]
It is finally that time that you’ve waited for all semester: winter break. Wooo PaRtAy. My first day home is usually a delicate balance between the T.V. room and the kitchen. Oh, the joys of coming home to a well-stocked fridge. The minor drawbacks of a house that goes to bed four hours before me […]
Well, here it is again: Christmas. Lights are a-twinkling in every store window, Salvation Army volunteers are ringing bells everywhere, and green and red drape every available space in the country. As Jews who weren’t raised with a tree in our living room, there’s more than a bit of FOMO this time of year. We […]
At least one member of the New Voices editorial board sat in a meeting of their Hillel board this week at which a discussion of security spontaneously took its place on top of the agenda. We assure you it was not the first such discussion in a Jewish organization this week, nor the first on […]
Like many other particularly un-athletic Jewish youth, I spent many Sundays playing Little League baseball at my local JCC. There, we were tricked by our parents into thinking that Jews were good at sports, and coerced into getting hit by diamond hard fly balls, tripping over bases, and generally making fools of ourselves for their […]
This is the second in a two-part feature on recent changes in the Reconstructionist movement. For the first part, an interview with Rabbi Dan Ehrenkrantz, current president of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, follow this link. The modern rabbi is vastly different from her traditional counterpart. In addition to the responsibilities of scholarship and leading meaningful liturgical […]
Dr. Jill Stein, the Green Party’s 2012 presidential nominee, was the one of the few Jewish candidates to ever run for President. Stein, a former physician, has been involved in politics since 1998 and has consistently been a loud voice in favor of social reform. Her 2012 campaign focused on issues including environmental sustainability and the increasing cost […]