Though the Yelp-like app Lulu, which invites women to publicly review and rate men in a number of categories, has yet to be adapted to a Jewish version, we Jews have no shortage of creative ways to meet and mingle with the opposite gender using our smartphones. Everyone knows about (the many, many) classic Jewish […]
As I look out my window, all I can see is graduation approaching. And maybe the off-white dregs of the gargantuam blizzard that hit on Friday. And yes, my street remains unplowed. But I digress. Graduation. Leaving this student house, these student classes, this student food behind and finally becoming… a 20-something. Though I have been twenty for almost […]
Get excited. This is a special behind-the-scenes-at-New-Voices blog post. It’s also an excuse to post the above video here on The Conspiracy. You excited? You ready? This how the sausage gets made at New Voices: I saw something on Facebook about how Sarah Silverman’s sister, Rabbi Susan Silverman, was arrested at the Western Wall in the […]
Seeking recent college grad for full-time position: Editor in Chief of New Voices Magazine New Voices Magazine and the Jewish Student Press Service have a full-time job opening for the editor of an online magazine and director of a small non-profit. The start date is flexible, somewhere around late spring/early summer 2013. Applicants will have […]
In our latest update of Bizarre Jewish Dating Ideas, today we bring you: Remember the good old days when Mama used to meddle in her children’s lives way too much, back before men and women were allowed to choose their own spouses? For reference, see Fiddler on the Roof. It worked so well there. […]
In past blogs, I have talked about progressive Judaism at length. I’ve written about queering Jewish spaces. I’ve explored the burgeoning institutionalization of Jewish atheism. I’ve critiqued the bureaucracy of conversion in Israel and for immigrants. Sometimes, the reaction to these pieces is positive. Thanks for that. Other times, the reaction goes something like this: “How much […]
The Abayudaya are a tribe of roughly 1,000 Jewish Ugandans living in and around Mbale. Haven’t heard of them? Me either—until I recently got the opportunity to meet their leader, Aaron Kintu Moses, during a shabbaton at the P’nai Or of Portland. The event was sponsored by Kulana, a non-profit organization that works to support isolated […]
On the first day of Ulpan, Jenna Gang showed us the tattoo of her Hebrew name printed on the back of her neck. From then on, we called her Yosefa. We lived together in a cramped apartment in Jerusalem, she the established New York City photographer and I the aspiring California writer, both participating on […]
In case you couldn’t tell, this week is Doppelgänger Week on Facebook. What does this mean? Practically, it means your newsfeeds will suddenly become overrun with a steady stream of highly attractive people who you’ll recognize not as your friends, but as actors, athletes, and an assortment of other famous people. Your friends will choose the […]